Monday, July 11, 2005


well i think it's safe to say that the blog is over. i'm back in WISCONSIN even now and altho my life is as fascinating as always (if it ever was ;p) the framing has changed. there is always the possibility of another blog i suppose, but for the moment i'm just gonna close this happy little window onto my life. If you're still interested you'll just have to knock on the front door ^_~

Friday, July 01, 2005

*checks which side of the ocean she's on*

yeah...i'm back lol

so my last night i ended up on the seine with the picnic-ers and also a swing dance club. in fact there were some really good dancers down there. one of them looked like jim carrey's little brother. i swear!!

but no so the sun was setting and THERE was Notre Dame and THERE was the fontaine st michel and the river and THERE was i in the midst of the dinner spreads and tourists and couples and dansers....dancing couples even.

it was all just very parisian i guess ;p

and i can't type on american keyboards very well...


so wow tho thursday was just kills me i this is a negative

the morning i got up to finish the last bit of cleaning (after spending the rest of the day before's evening with the micefa crew) and then i ran to the bakery for dann and i. our rooms were checked and i love how we had to sweep up the duplex again. dann helped tho! thanks dann!

see cuz the duplex wasn't mine. dann's room (mine) was fine lol

ah yeah...

but no those rooms really do collect dust like NOBODY's business

they charged me five euros for the mail key

that emily lost

emily my supposed roommate

she'll be hearing from me lol

ALSO i KNEW it would happen but they owed me money in the end and i TOLD them i wanted to add ALL of my deposit TO the rent because i would be specifically UNable to pick it up at the CROUS (cuz "they don't mail things" as i was later told) but nooooo so there are nineteen euros sitting in paris with my name on them...and i want them!!! but i'm not so sure how to get them...must talk to micefa or something...i doubt anything can be done tho

so then what...this whole fiasco with the rent made me a bit late so i scrambled to make my van time...and then the van was late. then they dropped me off at F instead of C but to be fair none of us knew where i was supposed to go so their guess was as good as mine...

but i had to walk to c with that HUGE duffel bag...and stuff...luckily wheely carts are free and efficient in paris (unlike newark as i later found...paying THREE DOLLARS for the priviledge of a cart that stops on a dime if you don't put your whole weight on the handle bar...sheeeeeesh)

so then boarding was just ridiculous. we had to get on this silly bus sort of thing...which took forever cuz they had to make trips and ferry us out to the plane. then so we were already quite late but since we had missed our time we had to wait for a new time...another HOUR away from the already late time we were at. so we sat on the plane...

and then of course...sat on the plane lol

food was good tho i can say that...never disappointed by airfrance's food

and the entertainment was very cool. altho i was disappointed that the station claiming to be playing japanese music was in fact doing nothing of the sort.

we each got our own screen. which is really hardcore cuz we all got choices of movies to watch. i for my part didn't watch anything in it's that spelled right? but i would like to see the other half of constantine i think...

i was just not really in the mood for a plane ride.

i guess lol

and oh there was an all girl german soccer club on the plane.

german is nice.

i sat next to a french swiss boy

who tried to order beer and was shot down lol

but yes lots of waiting in lines

too much

but it was nice to come through customs on the other end

for the record my first thoughts in the airport were, "hey america smells kinda funny"

and then, "wow look american commericals, american billboards"

"everything is in english"

and i have to get used to the fact that english conversation does not automatically mean "stupid american tourist"

my dad's apt is really hardcore. all the more so for being in the bronx's little italy.

gonna be a hardcore week.

he has poison dart frogs and that is sweet cuz i remember looking at pictures in books of them when i was little and him explaining about them and now i can watch them eat flys :D but not really cuz their tongues are too fast.

i'm still awake are you proud?

it's almost midnight

pretty tired tho

been a day and a half hahaha


we had dinner at an italian restaurant called emilia's. i had chicken stuffed with shrimp, spinach, and sundried tomatos...that is some crubazuby ne? what is better is that the left overs are IN THE FRIDGE WHERE THEY BELONG!!! YES!!! THANK YOU TAKE OUT CULTURE!!! THANK YOU FOR THE MAGICAL BOX-UP!!!

"because i take my culture to go..."



i decided i am really looking forward to the fact that i will be able to bike to my g-ma's house in o-town and swim pretty much any day of the week. until i go to mke that is...i will have to work something out.

i will be back to wi on the 9th soooo bizarre....

oh oh oh and the issue with this blog is this. i could keep writing it but that may demand some sort of metaphysical puddle or metaphorical maybe...a metaphysical metaphor of a puddle to be beyond...a metaphorical puddle to be metaphysically beyond...maybe it's that...we need something like that. i mean...cuz THE puddle back where it the east!!


anyhow reader comments appreciated...i could just keep writing forever you know..

that was a threat ne? ;p

silly american keyboard