Wednesday, May 25, 2005

stuff 'n stuff

wellllll starting to get a little bored which is probably inexcusable...

steve has been writing some interesting things in his blog...

also let's see...

oh i saw an AMAZING movie on monday called Nobody Knows. It's about four kids who are abandoned by their mom in Tokyo. The oldest (12 years) is put in charge of everyone. It's sOooooosooooOSooOoooo so sad but very well done. I love the camera and the music too. I love it! If it's around definitely see it.

I saw Tampopo again on Tuesday which was just as good as the first time around.

I miss mke.

The raspberry tarts at Sendik's are better than here. I told this to Xav already, but it's true lol so i thought i would tell everyone else.

hmmm i didn't get to swim today because i moved into my new apt. i don't like it as much as my other one but i guess i will get used to it. my bathroom used to be next to the desk so to get a near full-body mirror i could stand on a chair and look over the sink but in the new room the desk is across the room lol

not that it matters


i finished emma did i say that already? it was very good. i love mr. knightly.

annnnnnd well tomorrow is thursday.

that means film class and no swimming but i will go to the MCJP

and i'm super psyched about saturday

Sunday, May 22, 2005

okashi na

so i think i've seen that adjective both ways but i'm not sure...okashi na okashii ne...



so yesterday i did go to the MCJP and finally got up the guts to go into the Audio-visual space which was such an incredibly good thing. I just never seen anyone go up there and it always seems so quiet that I don't want to disturb anything. I dunno. But I went up and it is soooo cool. They have like six tv stations so you can watch movies that they have. Even some anime (sadly french dubbed ;_; most of the movies are original language tho)

I saw Kikujiro which is so cool cuz it's the first movie that Peter Carey talks about in Wrong About Japan which I've read twice now lol. I would definitely recommend it. It's pretty cute, but sort of odd at times. It's about this boy's vacation. He lives with his g-ma and wants to go visit his mom so this tough guy wannabe neighbor of his is sent by his wife to accompany him. It starts out pretty bad. They end up at this bike track gamboling and the boy is constantly abused by everyone but then they meet some crazy characters and blah blah you know. It's really cool.

I'm thrilled tho! I can go almost everyday and watch a movie before reading. I finished Keigo in Modern Japan. Definitely recommended to all Japanese students. Patricia Wetzel!! Go find!!

EUROVISION was last night!! This rocked. I was at Emanuel and Emily's house (after waiting outside their door for a half hour and it turned out they WERE home but just asleep...WHATEVER) and we all ate fajitas and guac. Super tasty! Eurovision was great, but the French commentators were really annoying. They had to be talking at every possible second. I have no idea what they were saying tho cuz really I could barely hear the music. I thought it was going to be just the three of us but a bunch of people showed up and they were all loud and it was a party. x_x can't say i was thrilled about that but it was ok and i did get to see the show

Romania didn't win ;_; Greece did. I dunno why they won. I mean they weren't BAD but there were better things. I voted tho!! How cool! lol I sent in a text on Romania's behalf and I tried to get one through for Latvia too but they didn't receive it in time.

Now all I have to do is get through this week so I can hang with my dad this weekend. Should be easy tho now that I can go see movies at the MCJP. Plus swimming, plus class on Wed and Thurs. I'm going to go see a movie in the theater tomorrow afternoon after swimming I think. A Japanese

OH so the Nô theater tickets are all sold out. They were probably gone before general reservation opened up. Kinda makes me think I have no shot of getting into the sake tasting... Either way tho this means that myl last time to see the big room is the percussion concert coming up. I'm going to miss the MCJP so much ;_;

For lunch club today we had a picnic! It was really tasty and at the park. There were cute little kids all over! One girl in particular ran around giving everyone kisses. That was funny XD

For the rest of the day I am probably just packing up my room. Not terribly exciting, but I have to move probably tonite. I hope it's tonite anyhow. It will be so great to have a window that closes!! I was FREEZING last night!!!

Friday, May 20, 2005

SUGOI XD (more emma spoilers...i hope no one minds)

Grinder-man was totally awesome. Possibly one of the coolest things I've ever seen. It was definitely unique. I'm not entirely sure how to explain it and just giving a play-by-play wouldn't really give it justice...but there were paper airplanes, ping-pong balls, and of course the guys in suits (or skirts) with cubes instead of heads...the cow's head from human growth and developement class, awesome music, sparks flying terrifyingly EVERYWHERE, annnnd more paper airplanes? It was so awesome. AND the MCJP never ceases to amaze me. Their big room (which i think it actually is la grande is one of the most adaptable places and so awesome. Really I think the MCJP is probably my favorite place in the entire world right now. I mean I like being at home and I like being in bed when I'm tired, but when I want to see something interesting or learn something about Japan I would love to have a warp to this place because it is so cool. But I was definitely discussing the big I think I've seen it in probably...three or four completely different configurations. For movies they have your standard seats going up in rows. For Kyôgen they had a few rows off to the side of the stage and the rest were normal. Then for Grinder-man they had seats surrounding the stage but the stage wasn't wear it usually is. In fact the stage was kind of gone they were just on the floor. I'm not sure how many different views I've seen but it is crazy. The projection screens can go wherever and Grinder-man even had something projecting onto the floor.

So let's see...Grinder-man. It was also very stylized. The phrase "highly visual" comes to mind but that sounds kinda stuffy. For a while it felt like every next part was another game played by very creative...Grinder-men lol. They wore masks and shot ping pong balls at each other and then at us. They threw paper airplanes everywhere and ending up abducting a couple audience members and making THEM throw them too. ALSO really cool was that they had video footage that had obviously been taken that day including pre-show footage of the audience. So we got to see them running around Paris as well. They have this one helmet/mask that made me think of power rangers because a whole gang of the creepy dudes jumped a couple of the cube guys and the camera I dunno...I'm sure none of this really makes sense at all...there's not really a good way to describe it. Really really cool and very Japanese. I'm not sure if it was just that fact that it was Japanese guys or if there really was something about the stylization. So aside from power rangers I also thought of traditional theater (because of the styalized movement), The Taste of Tea (some of the moves were very reminiscent of that and other things I've seen but can't think of where) I dunno there's got to be something. Oh oh and definitely sumo during the ping-pong face off or maybe boxing too. A cross between sumo, boxing, and ping-pong? And there was a storyline sort imperfect English about a giant trying to make children for itself and failing most of the time. OH and I forgot about the LIGHTS there was a really cool segment where they wore these lightbulbes on their heads with triggers for graduated electricty or something...I dunno what I'm talking about lol and it really does start to sound insane "yeah light bulbs on their heads!!! whoo!! suh-WEET!" XD lol The last thing I have to say is that we were all really concerned when they came out with the spinny spark things. They were wearing some sort of metal on specific parts of their bodies and would basically...I don't even know the word...make sparks LOL big showers of crazy sparks and we were all really determined to stand (sit?) it down and not run for the door. I was especially convinced after I saw a shower go into one of the guy's Smelly, but apparently harmless...

Well I think I have successfully conveyed my exCITEment over the matter if not the matter itself.

The other thing I've been thinking about today was how it might be worth it to have to wear a dress everyday to be able to express oneself with such exactitude as Emma and all the characters in that book. Then again maybe not, but they really can talk.

Floating Cloud (Ukigumo) is still going on as well....slowly but surely. I'm trying to get at least two or three chapters in a day because otherwise I will NEVER finish it. It's sort of a bummer to have seen the movie before reading the book. That is generally the case with lengthy books and movies. I mean it's always better to read first but if the book is particularly long the consequences are intensified by the time disparity. It takes you two hours to watch the WHOLE story but then a month to read it and the whole time you are saying WHY hasn't this THING happened yet? Everything is so stretched out when really it is the opposite and the movie is just condensed as flaming death.

I was lazy today, oh but I already told you that. I didn't go to the MCJP to read about Keigo, tho I will go tomorrow. I studied a bit and I read a bit and basically just waited until it was time for dinner. The other problem is that I always over budget my time so that I get places on time and what not but I am so punctual that really I just end up OBSCENELY early. Today I managed to delay myself on the way to the MCJP by reading a chapter of Emma in the subway station during my cross from the 4 to the 6. Now TELL me that's not PATHETIC?

Well after this I will go home and eat some cereal and probably at that point be listening to Nova and thinking about bed. You know you listen to a radio station a lot when you grow attached to pretty much every song they play. Even the ones that were annoying and the ones that made you go, "huh?" become like old friends over for a round of Idiot and freshly baked apples. Does anyone know how to bake apples or what exactly is involved besides sticking them in the oven? Because after that extended conversation in Emma about them I found myself fairly DROOling.

Here are the spoilers tho...the apples I think don't hurt the plot but this may::


what is emma's deal? mr. elton was so cool i thought altho i have to admit that frank is better. but even him, what was that thing she said about decidedly when to throw in some coldness when things were getting a bit too friendly? really and truly what is her deal? why can't she just rejoice in the fact that she is having this crazy awesome funny conversations?

also emma's dad is a riot altho it's funny cuz he's like an extreme version of me lately. i've turned into a kind of "you'll catch your death out there" person too. *sigh* AND PORK ROAST!!! I'LL JUST HAVE NONE OF IT!!! ( i thought that was funny tho...fry it but make hella sure you don't roast it)

Did you read about the IT workers skipping out for Star Wars? It was in the yahoo news. I was amused. I still haven't seen it. I'll get around to it though; I'm sure there's no hurry.

The question tho is WHATEVER am I going to do toMOrrow????? aside from make my near-daily appearance at the MCJP, i really have no clue. maybe i will go out for some food. there is one sandwich place in particular that i'm sure i will never be able to decide what to have at and would really just like to try it out ten times to make sure i experience the best thing they have...maybe i will go there.

did i tell you about the survey i did? I don't think so. I think i was distracted while writing the other day. Wellllll this guy on the street who I thought was just going to ask me some questions ended up taking me up these swirly stairs to this apt-office where there were all sorts of other bored pedestrians sitting at computers watching commercials. he put me to the task. I saw one for some sort of coffee? and another for a cheeto-like cracker thing. altogether it was pretty much like other surveys i have done only it was french so it felt like a cultural experience. (a rarity may i remind you)

i write more entertainingly when i'm excited i think...

speaking of french tho. emanuel and i were discussing once again the distressing student miguel who has become pratically fluent in his oral expression in i think actually under a year. he's bonkers and it drives the rest of us absolutely nuts. i tend to think of it from a pedagogical perspective and would really like to know exACTly what it was he did to attain such jealously provoking ease with his pronunciation and everything. he just floooowwwwssss and it makes everyone cry. as long as i focus on pedagogy i don't cry i try to be scientific :D

well i should leave as i am pretty hungry and tired. you know, next time i discover the best place in the world i hope i have some really good friends with me because it's kinda lonely going to all these performances and such by oneself. technically i should leave off there but i feel i should clarify that i do like going by myself and would not skip out just because it's only me, and of course there are certain advantages in attending on one's own such as retaining the afterglow longer...such as...even an hour longer if you are writing your blog after riding the subway in anticipation of enlightening your friends. but then i think it's good to have a nice balance between enlightening your friends and having your friends with you.

incidentally my friends were all having a party for emaneul which i didn't find out about until this afternoon and of course i had had my grinder-man tickets for a month already.

i don't think any of them really wanted to go with me. in fact i probably invited them a month ago.


or i may have given up. I had been trying to drag them out there since march lol during the anime festival thing...haha

oh you know...i'm gonna make this even longer and less organized by tagging on some acute observations about encores:

i don't know if it's just here or if it's everywhere but people really seem to EXPECT them nowadays. here we are clapping and it's not eNOUGH that they just bow, and bow again, and probably bow again, annnnd then walk off. i always wonder how encores work. in band we used to have one ready if needed, but in these big performances the lights don't come up as if it's over; you just clap until they come back even if it takes a couple minutes (rufus). tonite was an interesting situation as there was no encore, which was fine with me, but i think it had some people confused. in fact maybe the house was confused. what happened: so they bow and bow and bow and go off yes...and the lights are still down and the music is still playing and we're stilling clapping but it's starting to taper...and then they came back...and left...and then we were still clapping and the lights were stilllll down and the music was stilll on so when left to our own devices we decided to clap to the music which was of course probably or at least to a me a mutually fulfilling act. They came back and we applauded more and they left again and this may have even happened AGAIN. i can't remember how many times. we loved them obviously and they loved us but i really wondered what was going on. were people expecting an encore? was the house expecting an encore? I would blame it entirely on the audience if not for the lack of houselights coming up. that was odd and i think the performers were sort of wondering how many times in the end they would be required to bow.

okashii ne

the word "okashii" always makes me think of that scene from A Taste of Tea which also makes me think of Grinder-man.

wow tho i really have to leave haha it is TIME

nite! ;D


what the heck lol datif every time he sees me now he says my eyes are all puffy and asks if i was crying and he never runs into me when i WAS so i dunno. maybe the pool makes my eyes puffy.

soooo yesterday i went and read some more of that keigo book and it did get better :D one chapter about the history of standardization and one chapter about books and classes to help japanese people improve their usage...i guess that doesn't really SOUND super interesting but it was...

today i was going to go read but i didn't. i'm going over there tonite to see Grinder-man so one trip is enough. plus i'm kinda tired after swimming. it wasn't very cool at the pool today, too many people. you couldn't even really get a good stroke going and if you could only for a couple feet till you had to dodge more people. also my number one most avoidance wanted person showed up but luckily just as i was leaving. i didn't actually look at him because eye contact might have been fatal.

i ate lunch in the park! it was nice. there is a cute little park right by my house. i never actually went in before.

i guess i will be switching apts this weekend because emanuel is leaving on THURSDAY. ;_; he will be on an airplane and i will be in my film class. that's strange o_O

i figured out that june 16 is my last day. i have my film exam that day. i should talk to people about studying together. i hope the teachers go over what sorts of things will be on it. DUDE and i haven't heard anything about my independent study. it's getting a bit crunched on time...maybe i should ask her about it...again

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

bleh (emma spoilers?)

i don't really feel like writing but let's see...

i watched an aspiring chef make gumbo and it turned out really good

i went swimming again but it just makes me hungry so i end up eating more so i dunno if it's really good for me or not

it's official my french is actually worse than it was in the states. even datif says he can tell it's gotten worse.

hopefully i'm just having a crummy day

highly unmotivated

i should go study japanese

i didn't yesterday

see that's just stupid

it's star wars day but i didn't go

probably won't till next week

or whatever

i dunno

dad will be here a week from saturday

tomorrow i have class

today i had class too

it was obnoxious cuz she dragged us all out to this church that turned out to be closed. it's annoying when we go on these tours but don't end up back at school. she just leaves us standing outside notre dame de travail. i went alllll the way back to my pool before having a snack and going to the mcjp

i read about honorifics in linguistics but it was pretty crazy because mostly it was just laying out how different people split it up...and all their respective vocabularies. i dunno. it was tedious and i was tired. it looks like it picks up later. we can only hope.

i'm reading emma by jane austen. i seem to remember my sister and her friend forming a club around the reading of this book. it's pretty good so far. you have to get used to the style. it's not austin is it? i never even look do i...v_v i'm to the part where who is it...someone suggests to her that maybe it is HER that mr. elton (elton right?) likes. you know i should really leave off talking about things if i can't remember what i'm supposed to be saying...but my point was that i had this feeling the whole time that that was how it would end up. things sure were different in the 17th century in england. haha but i guess they still are aren't they...

things are always different

except the songs they play on nova. i've had trouble with radio stations here because they really do play the same songs over and over. i think it's worse here than in the states. it seems that way anyhow. or maybe i'm just used to stations that play electronic or jazz to not have play lists like that...

but it's annoying.

makes me think i should start listening to the news cuz at least it's something new everyday

i should listen to the news in any case

so it goes

fat chance tho if i can't even get myself to study japanese

i dragged myself through a couple chapters of ukigumo tho so maybe that is good

not looking forward to class tomorrow v_v


the timing for a semester long program is so lame because you start getting homesick right as you're leaving

not that this program is really typical

at least i hope not

usually i think you're supposed to IMPROVE the language you are "immersed in"

yeah i don't really need to start on this

just sucks

Monday, May 16, 2005


i don't have much to say! today i went grocery shopping and to the pool. maybe i will see a movie tonite but apparently one of the star wars movies is on tv, so i might chill at emanuel's. it depends what everyone is up to. i also picked up my room this afternoon while listening to Nova, which is such a groovy radio station :D really truly groovy. that is really all...a chill and uneventful day...

Sunday, May 15, 2005

lemme tell ya

so was a mess lol because it RAINED BUCKETS all over us. ALL over cuz hey i have no umbrella what can i say and i was not about to buy a printed one from the gift shop for twenty euros. oh the crying lol we were super soaked and it was pretty cold on top of that. i mean for france in may anyhow.

so the flowers were nice (and droopy with rain like us) and the japanese bridge was nice and i did take the time in spite of my shivering and dripping to appreciate the ripples in the pond around the lilypads which were, as can be imagined, not entirely in form.

worst part is that my backpack got soaked to including my notebook, my novel, and so when i took out my camera water POURED out of i think maybe it is quite screwed as for my full camera was in there too so i dunno if that one escaped or not. it was not quite as wet but you never know.

funny how when i finally bother to take pics that they get wrecked but so it goes

basically the trip was this incredible bust. i was very cold and my feet were wet all day, pants drenched halfway up my calfs you know...the works. so then we went to this little town and i had already eaten and had a crêpe at a vacant café with chris and used the bathroom at a funny little hotel and such and such so i went grocery shopping for some soup to heat up when i got home. after that i really just wanted to get back on the bus but it ended up that the bus had to go somewhere else until meeting time so chris and i wandered a bit. we went into the cathedral and stuff. then we found the tourism office and it turns out that there was this cherry festival going on.

this turned out to be the best thing ever.

we went and there were a couple rides but more importantly they were grilling SAUSAGES which made me miss mke a LOT. we got one and the mustard hurt my nose cuz in france their dijon is SERIOUS and you'd better add some mayo to lessen the kick but i forgot about

chris also got cotton candy which is called barbapapa in the cartoon character...

then of course there were little stands. it really reminded me of a fest in mke. i was pretty homesick lol there were also very expensive cherries that we didn't get to try.

on the whole we decided that that saved the trip and that next year they should plan the trip to go to the festival and have monet's gardens as the sidetrip heh.

funny how today on sunday it is brilliant out and yesterday was so awful.

the only other thing really to mention is that last night all the museums were open till like 1 something in the morning for free so i went and saw some modern art. i was pretty tired though lol they had this one room totally dedicated to this guy who saves tons of money by buying stuff and taking it back before the 30 days is up or that reimburses your first trial of their product or that gives you money back if you are not satisfied. they had tv clips and magasin articcles...kinda funny stuff haha

there was this one exhibit that was all pictures and drawings and stuff done by this lady who seemed to like blood or something. razor blades to her feet, rose thorns sticking in her arms...a bit nauseating when tired

oh you know today was lunch club and we had fajitas. they were terrific! :D we were supposed to watch the first two eps of star wars but of course they were all rented out. planning was not the best...

now i'm hanging out with datif but he is studying cuz i think everytime i come he has an exam the next day. funny how that works lol

tomorrow will be round two at the pool and shopping. my cupboards aren't bare but they don't really have much meal material at the moment so i gotta find somethings. like eggs and bread.

oh chris let us have some of his peanut butter. it was divine. i miss peanut butter.

there are so many things that you miss and you don't even think about at home. some things you don't even realize you liked until you can't have them. like brats. i started liking them more in high school but NOW i appreciate them forever.

things are going ok. i got my e-mail about my independent study project which was terrifying. i hope she will let me change to something about japan. that would really make me happy! :D

i'm reading l'étranger (the stranger) by camus without a dictionary. every time i run into a copy i read some. it's fairly easy to run into a copy tho cuz emanuel has one haha. i read for like an hour while he had a nap.

oh oh oh

emanueru wa hirune shite iru aida ni, watashi wa kamyu ga kaita shosetsu o yomimashita.

shosetsu...if i remember correctly that means novel. if i don't then it may or may not mean anything...grr lol but hirune is interesting because i believe that the kanji for it are afternoon and sleep...heh

i guess i kinda wrote about more stuff than i thought i had to write about

so it goes!

maybe you were slightly amused.

i dunno.

i decided tho that i will study spanish before my (possible) return to russian. it is so important in the states! i refuse to remain ignorant in THAT respect even if i can't keep track of the lebanese civil was lebanon right? see i dunno...1975 ne i am so bad at stuff like that. gotta read books to find out. READ A BOOK! ;p lol (does anyone remember that? eric? lol)

Friday, May 13, 2005

yay for a happy day

i feel better today :D yesterday didn't go very well.

i DID go shopping but i didn't get anything cuz it all seemed overpriced. plus they didn't have the one thing i would've actually bought even if it was a bit expensive.

dinner was excessively rushed (i ate in the metro on the way to the lecture at the MCJP) but really good (cuz i got korokke bento which is like fried potato things and rice and bento type things...yummoo...i love that place...i saved some of the rice to go with my broccoli for lunch)

the lecture was pretty cool but i was really in a lousy mood so i didn't even really want to go. before they let us in i was watching on the satellite japanese tv this show where this little girl who looked sorta like xav's cousin was cooking with the help of some crazy fantasy creature and a very cheerful chef. they made potatoes and onions and beef with nutmeg and stuff. it actually looked pretty good. i can't tell if that was the end of the recipe or not...cuz they let us into the conference room before the segment was over. there were two ladies. one of them gave the talk and the other read the extracts. she was an actress i think so she read very dramatically.

i went to bed really early cuz i was soooo sleeeeeepy lol

today is much cooler. i made fruit salad in the morning à l'instar de brian only minus the honey. i will have to check if à l'instar de is the phrase i wanted to use. i think it is tho...anyhow the secret is to add some cereal like special k to it. makes it crunch!! yum! :D

then i FINALLY got my act together on the pool thing, which i am happy about! I went to Go Sport and bought a swimming cap (required) and goggles (because the swimming cap only cost half what i had expected it to). I was really scared to go. I dunno why I thought it would be so bad. It was actually really cool tho. The lockers are easy. You make up a code and close the door and then just use that code to open again. :D I was worried about that. They have really nice little changing rooms or at least nice in that they have doors lol and the showers are no big deal cuz it's just pool showers ne. I was worried about being a crummy swimmer but no one there really seemed like they were training for the olymics so it was cool. The one thing that is a bit alarming is that my swimming suit is a little looser in the water than one would have thought it would end up. I guess it's not so much alarming as annoying. Or maybe it is alarming. I can't tell how much you can see because i'm not the one coming down the other side of the lane lol. SO it goes. I did like three more laps than I thought I could/wanted to lol. My arms hurt! That rocks! XD This one guy was there and we were both catching our breath and he said in French, "what a stupid sport this is" lol XD i guess maybe his arms hurt too ;D

Well after this I am going to see if there are still spots left on the trip tomorrow. I will remember my camera this time! Promise!! :D If there aren't tho I get to go have free dinner! I guess that isn't really exciting as the gardens tho so i'm crossing my fingers there's room still.

Well I guess the only other news I have is that the colander I bought works and I can steam things! I was really excited about that :D

I'm still terrified about school but luckily i'm in a better general mood. If i'm not thinking about school i tend to be ne? so i say, "hmm maybe i can try to do 12 to 15 pages...that will be ok...probably" and then i go study japanese or something lol

ha ha haaaaaa

well i'm off

golden days for everybody!!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Rufus and some other nonrelated elements

ah yes the concert was yesterday and let me tell you that you will just not believe it xav because omigosh...

so it was great and he spoke french and apparently was mildly food poisoned the night before from a bad sandwich. everything was great. seeing him with his band is really amazing cuz there are some songs that just wouldn't really work if it was just him. everyone sings! it's so cool!

and his guiatarist is really extremely good-looking

as IF Rufus isn't cute enough

so it ended and we were sad but of course there were encores.

they came back out and he sang An Old Whore's Diet and during the musical interlude something very bizarre happened. he took off his scarf...and we were like haha what a tease. then he started unbuttoning his shirt and we were like o wow what a tease and THEN his shirt was on the floor and we were like what is going on and he's working on his pants and then i notice that the guitarist is stripping and the drummer suddenly has no pants either and the girls aren't wearing very much. Then I'm really almost not sure what was going on. Rufus donned some fairy wings, sash that read "Miss Paris," and a princess crown and started waving a little wand. There were all some red high heels involved, all of which was brought out on a platter by a lady in a wig. The guiatarist put on a fake beard and started waving a plastic pirate daggar around. I was really weird. Then the strobe light. We all wished for our cameras because how often do you see Rufus Wainwright in little more than a sparkly blue speedo?

For the next song they were witches who all melted at the end and then they put on some bath robes for the very end.

It was

crazy. ;D

But true. I don't have pictures but you have to believe me because there is just no other choice.

Other than that tho I am increasingly stressed out by the overall situation and acutely today because I just found out that I have to write FIFTEEN pages for my independent study. I might as well just quit school. I feel like I have forgotten how to do it. Just everything. I've proven myself time and time again to be incapable of writing five pages in ENGLISH so I dunno what the point is anymore.

There is a trip to Monet's gardens on Saturday that I suppose I should go on. It's twenty euros but it sounds pretty cool right? Monet's gardens...

Right now tho I'm going shopping I decided.

So that's that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Sorry to leave you all with such a dismal last post. Or at least it is dismal in my memory. Before I tell you about the rest of my vacation I have to regale you all with the tale of my dinner adventure. I realize this is specifically contradicting the theme of my last entry, but this is just a funny story and I promise not to complain about how full I am ;p

I couldn't find anyone to eat with (one friend gone, one in bed, one eating already) so I went to this place not far from my house. I had JUST arrived, thrown my crud in my room, and gone back out because I didn't feel like cooking even if there was something to cook in my apt; therefore, I was starving lol. Anyhow so the place had couscous and I was psyched about that because if you can't enjoy couscous then what CAN you enjoy? There were two guys working the counter who seemed very nice and asked if I wanted couscous to which I answered yes and pointed to what I THOUGHT looked good and what I thought was something to put on the couscous. Apparently it wasn't for on couscous, in fact apparently it wasn't good either. I'm still not sure what it was. They were wary about letting me have it but I foolishly said, "yes yes fine good great" or whatever you know, overconfident or perhaps just absentmindedly hungry. I think it was tripe or something. They said they would switch it for me if I didn't like it which was nice of them. I was really prepared for a bowl of animal guts and chick peas... It wasn't hot enough so I took it back up and decided to have them just change it. They laughed at me and said it wasn't for kids lol. It was really nice of them to switch it for me free of charge like that. Most places would have just watched you choke it down. I was leaving and the one who wasn't ringing me up said, "so TWO plates right?" and the other said, "No no she was the entertainment" haha :D Anyhow it was pretty good couscous when I finally got down to it lol and quite reasonably priced.

flash back!!!

so I didn't go to Marseille right? Well two seconds after I wrote that blog and was in the middle talking to one of my collection of Brians the owner of that net joint came in and it was a good thing my computer had sort of stopped working cuz I had just logged off. Gloria had been letting me sneak around if you remember...

They all think he is creepy and with Mafia ties.

Apparently there is a Mafia in Aix and they bombed some bar last year and took it over.

I dunno lol.

Let us recall what happened for the rest of my stay:

I'm gonna stop pointing out where I talk about food because to be honest we cooked a lot and it involved lots of onion cutting, chicken/salmon marinating, potato mashing, broccoli steaming, grocery shopping, cheese smelling, bread slicing, and teabag steeping. (Steeping right?) ETC lol Stephanie and I had a LOT of fun cooking together. Everyone morning we would go out shopping at the open market for vegetables and maybe some fruit. The day we did the salmon the fish market was closed and we bought our other meat at the grocery store too. It always depends on what time and day it is for where you go shopping. They have this great bakery called Banette. There were other bakeries too tho, equally good. Also a really sweet veggie store called Jardaniers.

So the plan had been to go to the beach that next day but that isn't what happened. It ended up that everyone slept in pretty late after the party and the bus ride was two hours each way, not to mention 8 euros (each way!!!) so we decided to skip it.

Did I write about that all ready? If I did I will laugh. I honestly don't remember when I wrote last. lol

donc euhhhhh voila

no just kidding

uhmmm...I guess the time sort of melted together. I do remember not calling my mommy on mommy day cuz I didn't have a phone card ;_; but I called her twice before that and I'm calling her when I get home :D

Oh and last night (my last night) after the salmon we went to go see The Taste of Tea. You know I think I enjoyed it even more the second time? I was so excited to see it again. Stephanie and Brian both liked it too. We laughed so loud. I bet the whole theater thought we were totally obnoxious (or just American...I dunno which is worse...perhaps they are that how you spell that?)

This morning I took some pictures somewhat halfheartedly before leaving so I could show everyone a bit of Aix. I'm really not much of a picture person. I mean I like having them, but the taking them is a bit of a pain.

Hmm...oh I did enjoy first class TGV. :D My seat was much better this time. I had a nice big window, spacious chair with a button to recline a bit, a boring magazine. Then there was a bar down the hall where I ordered a truly overpriced bottle of orange juice. It was sort of funny because all the people in first class seemed very businessy or very rich. I suppose tho that that is usually the case. Because even if you HAVE the money for first class, wouldn't you rather save it? I only got it because the ticket cost the same as my second class on the way down. Oh oh and the other cool thing was that it was a double decker train and I was on top :D I guess the other thing that I noticed was that it was much quieter in first class, probably due to the complete lack of children as far as I could tell...

Tomorrow is Rufus (wow xav and dion I am jealous of your Killers concert lol) and apparently I have to change something on my Grinder-Man ticket. They gave it to me without a seating arrangement and then called my cell to tell me to come in and fix it the day before I was leaving for Aix RIGHT after I left the MCJP. 6_6 The website is just For this of you taking Japanese you can see that they will be in Paris, which is where I am seeing them ne? I felt so happy that I could read the Japanese and use it to see where else they are going. Small pleasures! Baby steps! I love Japanese!

I have a hard time figuring out when to move my studies I mean ne? Japanese...subject change! lol Because since there are no tests or anything it's hard to figure out if you really know the stuff. Then of course even if you know it one day you probably won't in three weeks or maybe even the next day. I do remember how to say alien tho :D uchuujin! kowakute, roketto de tsuita uchuujin! seikatsu ga suki dattara, hashirou! (alien! a scary alien that came in a rocket! run for your life! <---my very loose translation lol how did i do?) i love japanese but i still have a lot to learn...anyhow my point was that i wasn't sure if i should move on...but i realized that if i never move on i will be on chapter twenty forever so i had to continue. there is always room for review!!! i did the exercises! i am genki! rar!! lol And let's all remember how to conjugate the passive because I'm really excited about it! I read an article about learning Japanese that said it is like playing with legos. While the article oversimplified a bit I do sometimes think of this simile fondly because it can be sort of like that. You take your verb stems and the conjugations are so easy!

In theory anyhow...


That reminds me of how it took me like seven tries to get my verb right the other day at dinner. That was the other thing! We spoke so much French in Aix! It was so cool! I also decided that I need to get out and do more things. How much that will actually be followed through in is questionable at least till my dad shows up, but I'd really like to see some more parks and one day I would like to rent a bike...



My poor poor swimming suit has gone unused thus far. You may recall I didn't end up at the beach. To swim in the pool tho I need a cap...grr grr grr. It just gets so complicated. Amy said she would go with me but I would like to go early in the morning. I think that swimming at seven am would be a good way to wake up. I dunno if Amy would think that though...x_x lol Also I dunno how long I would keep thinking that for. And you know they charge you to swim as well. The whole thing give you a rather good excuse to just scrap the swimming. But it would be so healthy!!!!!! grr!!! I think I should go and at least try it. Even if it means buying a swim cap. Maybe it will clear my mind and enrich my soul...

Or I could just get chlorine in my eye...


Hope everyone is doing well. The last thing I will say is that I have purchased a metal colander collander? DRAINING THINGY!!! :D not to drain things with, but to steam veggies and it better work because I could so not afford one of those big things they had for steaming stuff. I figure when I get back to the states I can get a real steamer but for now I just hope this will work. I got all spoiled on steamed carrots, mushrooms, snow peas, broccoli...yum yum yum...

OH and dude Stephanie has some really hardcore Japanese music and she gave me all the artist names. I may compensate for not going to the anime convention by hitting the local chapter of Book-Off...but only lightly I promise lol It's educational! Listening practice!! Yes! Culture enrichment studies!!! or something!

Oh wow I just remembered I am supposed to be doing my history paper! lol (I call it a's not really a paper...won't take very long...just a page...on a metro station...well i'm writing about a metro station anyhow...)


tiz all

see you all soon! can you believe it's almost half way through may? some of my friends are going home in less than three weeks!!! o_o

Saturday, May 07, 2005

To Beach or not to Beach (or to beetch about the beach)

Well I decided not to go to Marseille which was perfectly fine lol. I had a nice calm afternoon at the house and then Stephanie came home and we watched the Rurouni Kenshin OAVs which was super cool.

There was also a b-day party, white trash themed. They threatened to kick me into the street unless I dressed up so I ended up wearing these black capris with these weird pink shorts over it, plus these nasty look t-shirts (one with ties on the shoulder) and a hard rock café jacket. oh and also some boots...

We all looked like freaks. Also one thing I noticed was that once people are dressed like makes them really look...trashy lol like we all looked horrible. I think maybe it's just the fact that partying isn't my thing... I ended up talking to a Chinese guy in French and then everyone went clubbing at 2 am. Stephanie was adament that I make sure to have fun at home and offered her supply of Japanese pop/rock piping through the headphones attached to her laptop. I had to pinky swear that I would be ok. Heh she was a bit drunk.

Man tho tonite at dinner tho people were trading drunk stories. I'm so glad I don't do crap like that!! :D Which is not to say that the stories aren't funny, cuz they are...but then you think wait this is REAL, not MADE UP and then you say hmmm glad I don't DRINK drink...

Speaking of tonite at dinner it was super. We tried out this potato pancake recipe I found in a Japanese cookbook and it was amazing and we steamed all sorts of vegetables and stuff. Only problem? I was SO NOT HUNGRY. V_V We snacked all afternoon and suddenly then we were eating dinner and I was like CRUD.

As for regional fare is concerned, today was a good day. I bought some navette cookies...which I really don't know anything about them. They are simple and wonderful. I also bought some spice bread which was all artisinal and made the real way and stuff like that...really truly wonderful and a bit pricy v_v so i have goodies

OH ha so we were supposed to go to the beach today (title of entry haha) and I wasn't going to pay the money and spend the day doing that if the weather was going to be cold like yesterday. (relative cold tho not really cold you see...) jenny was chewing me out tho and said i shouldn't have come if i didn't want to go to the beach and hang out with the people i was there to see. stephanie wasn't going to go either tho... anyhow it was super beau!!! lol so we both decided we WERE going to go and then it turned out to be 8 euros each way and take two hours (each way) and it was late cuz everyone slept in after the we scrapped it and went shopping and stuff and cooked.

I'm so mad about the cooking and stuff. I cut up tons of things, mashed the potatoes, peeled them, slaved, and barely ate at all. Didn't really enjoy it. I'm going on a walk after this V_V for eating we are not doing so hot tho...I'm only putting this in here cuz this is what I think about!!! I know I talk about food a lot. But if you think about it it is really hard to manage things! I'm not good at it yet. I buy stuff and then it goes bad cuz I don't know enough about food. One day you eat too much fatty stuff and the next day you eat too much sugary stuff!!! It's so hard to keep track of everything!!! I'm really psyched about vegetables tho. I wish I had a hardcore steamer like they do at their house. I will have to try to figure out a makeshift.

I was also thinking about this if I go to school in cali. I won't want to be a on mealplan! I'm so excited about learning to cook and grocery shop! Plus school food can be really not that great sometimes. I dunno...

*rambles about pointless things*

uhmmm so aix...let's see...jenny brought home ewe cheese and it was really good-- oh wait that's food...

i mean see? that is what life is like!!! grrrrrr and ok in the MIDDLE of the afternoon for no reason they made this delicious rice pudding-esque dessert and were like you HAVE to have some and i did but i can't have that AND ewe cheese within two hours of dinner! plus a banana milkshake an hour or so before that!!! today went poorly and i feel lousy about it...that is the last word on the subject i promise...i mean today's subject...

well i'm at another lab breaking rules. stealing net time...not quite the way to be but oh well. i make it sound more serious than it is...but it's true. I'm a net thief.

*sigh* wow that really WAS the day. i will go home after my walk and read or study or maybe watch a movie or Kenshin OK wait I don't know what I'm doing when I get there...

haha well if you made it this far you put up with all my borderline neurosis so congrats for that lol maybe i will go see if anyone is online... ...

Friday, May 06, 2005


Well I really didn't have to get to the train station early at I sat there for a pretty long time heh...but the ride was pretty nice. About three hours...then I took a short bus ride from the TGV station to town and Bryan picked me up.

I totally love their house! It has way more character than the residence lol...cuz the residence's character is not exciting or cute or anything like that. Here you go up the stairs and there is a landing with some couches, one of which I sleep on and then there are all the bedrooms. Everyone has really nice windows that open up onto courtyards and stuff. I guess their building used to be a treasure of the city or something. It's pretty spiffy.

The first night I was the only guest and their Columbian roommates cooked dinner. Was super groovy but we ate too late lol Then on Thursday Jenny and Rachel arrived. Jenny is sick, which in keeping with my paranoia about sick people is driving me absolutely nuts but there's not anything I can do about it so I just try not to think about it. It's like the kid who kept coughing in the train like he was gonna die...just gotta put your headphones on and try to sleep lol.

Stephanie is super cool. She has like ALL of rurouni kenshin on her computer so we're gonna eventually get around to watch some OAVs. She also has this SWEET kanji dictionary. It's really alarming that I don't have one and have never used one. Definitely something to invest in when I get back to the states.

The weather is pretty nice. They have this Alpen breeze or somethingtho lol so it's really not as hot as Paris. But definitely sunnier :D It's scary tho cuz the air is full of dust or pollen. We all sneeze...

I also saw American Pie for the first time. I dunno if that was a good thing or not lol. I'm just taking a closer look at our culture...that's all...our poor poor culture x_x lol Nah some of it was kinda funny...even tho...some of it was far too stupid...x_x

Today I guess we are going to Marseille. I'm not sure why... I guess because we "might as well" I don't like doing stuff cuz of that tho. It seems like a lousy reason to do something you wouldn't do otherwise. Probably it's just my continuing aversion to site-seeing.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


yay i FINALLY saw it. you know i've been trying for three days straight...guess it's a good idea to look up the movie times before you go x_x i'm a dork

anyhow it was really really REALLY good and also better than Garden State...

which is not to say that Garden State was bad lol but out of the quirky existential comedies from last year i'd have to say that I *heart* Huckabees was better. I guess to qualify that...what can I say...why exactly did I enjoy it more...?? Uhm...well to be somewhat superficial maybe i enjoyed the cast a whole lot more...and maybe the sharper comedy was more to my taste...but that's not even really it. I guess what it really is is that I came out of Huckabees feeling good and I came out of Garden State feeling lonely and depressed lol.

I will definitely see it again sometime and the soundtrack WAS good lol

also i still think morning movies are super!! a nice way to start the day and get you out of the house right away (even if you come back later)

soooo let's see...i read for a bit at the MCJP which was pressure and i also reserved my ticket for the sutomu yamashita concert :D he's a really famous percussionist i guess...i'm psyched...

for the rest of the day the plan is basically laundry and packing...and probably some reading and studying...and a bit of cooking...altho i really don't want to have the same thing i had for breakfast for

i should also gather the info for my monument paper. i wonder if it really has to be a MONUMENT monument cuz i'd really like to write about the deepest metro station. apparently it takes 285 stairs to get down there but there is an elevator. i read that it's because of the mines or something to do with plaster of paris ne

gosh this makes me think what a bad reader i must be...i can't even remember what the deal was with the mines...

i think reading the book i am is sort of like taking a psychology class when you're going to an iatrist which i have also it just messes you up to learn about the theory when you're in the thick of it. i wonder why that is...

i feel fairly inadequate today now tho that is for sure

i think i MIGHT rate about a novice-high...

novice is a cooler word than beginner tho :D

i'm going to go try to keep occupied...i really don't want to be bored...last night i was...and i don't think it really helped my studies to force myself to go over stuff out of absolute boredom

technically i really SHOULD have enough stuff to do...i wonder what everyone is doing tonite...iiiii dunnoooo

this just in...

I got accepted to UOP!!!! My school in cali will HAVE ME lol I'm thrilled!!!

It's going to be weird though, basically kinda like being in France only in English. I've never been west before o_o and i won't know anyone and i'll miss everyone. on the upside i won't need phone cards to talk to people LOL so that will be nice!!!

Really the best part about it is that I am a REAL LIVE JAPANESE MAJOR now :D


so today i watched indiana jones and the last crusade dubbed in french on tv with emanuel an dann. was pretty kickin' lol and we had curry which was pretty good too

and i slept a lot too which i guess is why i'm still up

it is important to sleep lol and i couldn't really get own to it last night

sometimes i think my dreams confuse me lol

oh and reblochon is some hecka good cheese

yes...i think i just did say hecka

for people who prefer not to use the hockey sticks LOL



so i'm using emanuel's comp

he went to watch a movie at Cindy's house

I don't really know cindy very well

but she's nice and has a french boyfriend


i only meet the ones with gfs

oh hey the eiffel tower is sparkling over there

i didn't even realize you could see it from here...

man i am really going to miss paris

boy tho i don't want to think about that yet lol i have so much time left!!

what else...well i think the anime convention is right exactly the days when my dad will be here so i probably won't go...which is ok cuz i'll have tons of other stuff to do...

leaving on wednesday for my trip


i feel like i say the same stuff everyday

but if i say it here it is only a fraction of the times it goes through my head ne

well i have to check my e-mail cuz apparently one of my friends just sent me shots of his new tattoo...


Sunday, May 01, 2005


ok i know i shouldn't be complaining about summer weather or French pastry or street markets but I'm GOING to! so bear with me while i rant for like two seconds

so it has been very hot lately as i mentioned is really t-shirt is disgusting and the day isn't even half's gross out...but last night i was trying to sleep and couldn't and then there was some party that went all night and they woke me up and i was so mad!!! and then i have some sort of tooth ache which makes no sense because i've been taking better care of my teeth than i have my whole life

speaking of floss is ridiculously expensive here...i spent 3.60 on a stupid little roll and it's not even DECENT!!! it BROKE last night! GRR V_V

ok so this morning i was like hmmm wake up read...go back to bed...i was too tired from freaking out about my teeth and not being able to sleep at four am...

so then i got up again...had lunch and was like oh i could go walking and grab a pastry and chill in a park or something...problem is it's new metro pass day which unfortunately also coincides with a summer weekend day which means Porte de Clignancourt (where i live ne) is a MOB SCENE cuz of the flea market. So first I stood for like a year in line for the ATM while this dude selling ice water yelled either kaloo kalii kaloo kalii or kalii kaloo kalii kaloo (i can't remember which) REPEATED like literally every two seconds!!!!! x_x and trying to walk down the sidewalk to a bakery was RIDICULOUS i'm so glad i don't LIVE on that streets because everyone and his brother is selling some kind of vegetable or egg or chicken or battery powered baby doll out on the sidewalk!!! and then there's the people with the strollers blocking everything and if they don't have a stroller they have a grocery bag cart thing so it's just impossible to go by. and they're all just out for a stroll you know...inspecting the potatos and whatnot

so i found a bakery and you know the really wasn't a good idea...because when it's like 80 degrees out and you feel gross stuff a big ball of sugar down your throat just makes you feel even more intensely disgusting. so i drowned it with a bottle of water...which in turn...makes your t-shirt nastier cuz you sweat it all out in about five seconds lol

and then finally the metro where i had to stand in another huge line to get the new month pass and then of course it's all gross on the quai and in the cars cuz there are people everywhere and it is just uber sticky lol

gosh tho it's not like i really need to be seeking out sugar. i run into enough by pure chance LOL

so there is the park next door but i'm wondering if after sitting in this plastic chair (sticky nasty sweaty) if i am really going to want to throw myself on the ground to study. my desk sounds EXCEEDINGLY more friendly. if i didn't have vegetable to eat up i would scrap the soup for tonite and go find a nice sandwich to eat or something but if i'm gonna leave on wednesday i really have to finish off the stuff in my fridge...or at least try my hardest...

grocery shopping is annoying for just one person V_V as is cooking...

and why is my tooth mad at me???


everytime i get happy it lasts for like five seconds and then the whole world decides that it's been too long and i get a whole bunch of crud again.

i hate going to the park by myself anyhow v_v


grr grr grr

i was SO supposed to be motivated and happy today!!! intead i am mad and worried and frustrated!!! not fair!!! and then i try to cheer myself up and it totally backfires!!! HATE!!!! x_x

ok that was more than two seconds...