Friday, September 14, 2007

The quick and dirty list edition

SO what did we do today?

FIXING COMPUTER TIME - took about 2 and a half hours, as well as nearly 150 dollars. A guy came to get the connection working. It was very nice of Shirai-san to pay for him to do that. Rather frustrating, this laptop. I'm not sure what the ultimate root of all problems was, esp since it still doesn't shut down properly, but at least it's working. I hope I will be able to get connected at the show next week.

KOROKKE BURGER TIME - This is what Shirai-san kindly provided me with for lunch. It is a poteto croquette sandwiched with some sauce and greens. Very tasty, but rather starchy. It's one of those things like yakisobapan that I wonder why someone would come up with it. Of course, like I said, very tasty, so I guess that's why.

SHOWER TIME - That was boring, but I think I'm getting closer to having all the lyrics to Digimon's Butterfly theme song down. Karaoke will ensue, I'm sure, so I have to be prepared. Shingo Mama no Oha Rock is my back-up plan...

BUS TIME - I couldn't find the station, so I went to ask a girl in a bakery, but by the time I did that there were people lining up beside the sign (which I hadn't noticed earlier) she was giving me that LOOK, you know, like, "HELLO? It's kind of...over there? Uhm...yeah *points*" That look. Anyways, I got on the bus and went to...

NAKANO STATION TIME - The bulk of the afternoon was spent in Mandarake, some point I will get fancy and add links to this (probably) but for right now, it being after 1am and all, I'm just going to get it down and sack out. Anyways, it's basically an Otaku's dream come true. Also sort of like seeing the Internet IRL. Great toys, games, figurines, antiques, and other things like coins and electronics. Lots of creepy porn, those poor anime girls and their paralyzingly huge boobs. Yeah, anything more than you have either already seen or have gone out of your way to avoid,k so it's probably best to not mention any of it here. I bought RUUSUSOKKUSU and some Stitch (of Lilo &) branded "Sock Touch" to keep them up. Maybe now I can wear that skirt and feel chou kawaii.

MAID CAFE TIME - Since Mandarake is so otaku-like, a maid cafe appeared nearby. We were not allowed to take pictures, but basically its' just an adorable girl serving drinks and chatting with customers. Super polite, super expensive, super cute. Chris paid about five dollars for a glass of tea, while I had something pleasantly reminiscent of chocolate milk.

TAI YAKI TIME - I passed up takoyaki for the time being because my appetite was not such that I felt like that much of a meal, however we did grab dessert. I had chestnut cream filling in mine, and it was really really good.

FUNNY CAT TIME - I played with Chris's friend's cat while we waited to go out for dinner with Kenichi Nishi of Chibi Robo and his new company Route 24. Met his friend and we all chatted a bit.

NIHONRYOURI TIME - We were going to go to this awesome Mexican restuarant called Junkadelic, but there was a party reservation. Instead we had some super awesome Japanese food. Chicken, sashimi, cooked fish as well...things called "Strawberry tomatos" that tasted sweet like fruit. Little and yellow. I enjoyed every bite and also the company. Nishi brought a friend, too, so there were four of us talking in mostly Japanese, but some English. I feel bad because everyone (i.e. all of Chris's friends) tell me (us) that my pronunciation is better than his : / Anyways, tons of food. Nishi also presented both Chris and I with a copy of his company's new game, Arukime DS, for multiplayers only. If nothing else I'll blog about it at some point, but I hope I can find somewhere to talk about it. OH and we also tried various types of shouchuu: potato, wheat, brown sugar. Alcohol is not entirely my style, though, sO I couldn't drink much. The food was so great, though.

GETTING LOST TIME - Nishi's friend drew me a great map of the way back to Numabukurou, but it was hard to find the Seibu-Shinjuku line after getting out of the Shinjuku Line. I may rant about the train system later, but right now I'm falling asleep not because I'm still jetlagged or something silly like that (since I seem to have escaped most of that wrath) but because it's nearly 2 and I wake up at 7 for breakfast ;D

Anways, once on the train I was also nearly falling asleep not this bad, though. Made it back ok and talked with Shirai-san about a variety of things like games, actors and actresses, etc.

I'm too tired, so if blog makes no sense that is totally fine. Trip tomorrow! I will be back on monday, unless there is mysteriously wireless there.

Also, I might get to observe elementary school on WEdnesday ;D



Anonymous said...

RUUSUSOKKUSU - what is that? you said something about a skirt? I dk.

haha paralyzing boobs. THANK YOU MOM for the flat wall syndrome. I'm learning to appreciate it more and more. Especially since Emily used the word paralyzing....eek.

Emily said...

loose socks, which if you sound it out you might be able to go. They don't fit, so you wear a special kind of glue to keep them up.

Yeah, well I mean these are not even realistic in any sense of the word. I would send you examples, but no...I won't heh But yeah, they have sexualized versions of anime girls doing pretty much anything. Usually with ginormous boobs.