Sunday, June 08, 2008

OH LOOK it's me, not having Internet in my hotel room

Ah, that was cruel. I don't actually have any pix right now. I took one of a convenience store mini-bento that I ate for the random up too long extraneous meal that happens when you go on international flights, but I can't upload it cuz I'm sitting in a net cafe where they have apparently forbidden (and possibly...removed?) the USB ports.

Oh well. I didn't bring that cord anyhow. It's back in the room with my computer and my other stuff and the shower where I made myself smell like about a thousand differet flowers and/or fruits. Wheeeeeee.

I would say the worst thing that happened today happened in the BART station on the way to the airport. I was getting ticket and this creepy crazy in a wheelchair whistling Silent Night started rolling right into me. And he didn't stop! I said, "Uhm, excuse me!!!" to assert my presence and he totally didn't care.

The flight was comparatively uneventful. I watched Clear and Present Danger, because a little Harrison Ford never hurt anybody. I daydreamed a lot. I waited for them to serve food. I passed up an ice cream bar. I watied and WAITED and WAITED for them to serve food. It was pretty tasty once it got there. I drank water and listened to cds and read some New Yorker and Wired and Cat and Girl comics.

Actually before that I ran into Mielke and Jason from 1Up. Mielke I saw again at the end of the flight. He had more exciting plans this evening than me. I was pretty much content with shower, Internet, and maybe some wicked groovy Japanese TV (which you really only watch for the commercials half of the least if you are me...)

Of course even Internet proved to be a trial. I have wandered around now. I knew there should be a net cafe somewhere near the hotel, but I sort of forgot which way is back. I'm sure as it's one of the bigger landmarks around the friendly staff (who asked how old I was) will be able to point the way.

I am both underage AND a boy today! On a roll! Considering I'm not wearing any boy clothes, it certainly is a feat. I dunno why the stewardess on the plain was so convinced I was a "sir."

Hum. Of course, there is no one to chat to. Not sure why I bought three hours of time. Well, yes I am. I should've asked if I had to use it all at once first. Or maybe I just don't know what I am doing and I CAN save it for later. The thing is, I should really stay up till midnight or so anyhow, so it's not a big deal.

Tomorrow my plan is Studio Ghibli museum sometime morning/daytime and then meet up with my host family from last time in the evening. I think. This is all assuming the grand cell phone plan works out right. It had better since it's costing me dollars.

The exchange rate is much better here. I was worried when I saw it was only 93 to a dollar at SFO. Here it was 103--more like it.

From the airport, I had to take this really foggy gloomy bus ride. The weather is muggy, but cloudy. Glad I packed my umbrella.

Ahhhh what am I going to do here for two more hours?


op said...

interesting thing- i've seen that wheelchair silent night guy before. actually, glenn saw him too! i guess he hangs out in BART a lot and whistles and annoys people with his creepiness.

Emily said...

Yeah dude, if I weren't so uh...steadfast, he would've knocked me down!!