Sunday, January 16, 2005

bad luck

I realized I forgot to relate the story of my poor unhappy burned foot. Cuz see the taps in the bathroom are cold on the left and hot on the right and cold is ice and hot is hell so i stretched my feet out and nearly melted my right foot off the other day. >_<

I guess I remembered that cuz everything has been going SO INCREDIBLY WELL *cough*

what with closed castles and burned feet, the only other thing to add to the pile now is managing to miss lunch with my relatives due to who knows what o_O we tried hard we really did and cambridge is a bit maze-y interesting place. after putting forth a valiant effort to locate people we gave up and got lunch and shopped. steve picked me up the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy radio cds which was hardcore so we listened to some of that on the way home. it's crazy :D

we decided to be lazy and order yummy pizza for dinner annnnnd we watched Volcano High which was this fairly mental korean movie about high school kids with super powers. :D lol it was silly and then we have just gotten our party k-oed by undine so we decided to take a break from Tales.

so now i'm the only one up and i'm writing e-mails and chatting and generally just staying up late for no reason :D granted, today isn't likely to be a very thrilling day. we're kinda uninspired by our recent ventures to really go anywhere and it's not like too many places are likely to be open on a sunday anyhow...iiiiiii dunno

monday is london! and we have to phone a lady at this all girl's school to see if they'll let me shadow either tuesday or wednesday. cuz steve is going back to work tuesday so i'll just get to bum around the house. i suppose i could go feed ducks or shop or do whatever i want really. i can do whatever lol. and then thursday i'm back to france where i already have plans!! as soon as i'm settled at the hotel i get to go meet up with a russian exchange student for dinner. we're gonna study together i'm super psyched :D

anyhow i guess that's it for the moment...hope these next few days aren't so stressful as the past few lol

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