Monday, January 10, 2005


yeah cuz i've been thinking about how great it is to have a computer right here whenever i feel like checking my e-mail or blogging or whatever. pretty handy :D

so i do believe i promised the jerry spring opera report...i can't say i didn't expect the swearing :D it was made fairly clear that it would be's a huge debate over here. they almost weren't allowed to broadcast has some disturbing religious imagery and things...the second act is basically jerry sent to hell to do a show trying to reconcile satan with god...and then all the religious figures are sort of transformations of characters from the first act which was sort of your typical springer fare. terribly offensive to just about everybody on the surface level but i think steve and i agreed it had a sort of redeeming message :D jerry starts talking about ying and yang nothing is wrong and nothing is right that sort of thing...everything alive is holy or something...anyhow the music and talent were fantastic ^_^ ah ha...half a second of research has revealed that it'll hit broadway in october...should be interesting :D lol

so that was last night...thursday there's a show about the big debate...which we'll hopefully remember to watch @_@

today i meant to wake up earlier than the past two days but it didn't really happen, which is probably just as well cuz i'm sick >_< no big surprise there...i wasn't exactly expecting a miraculous recovery (altho that would've been nice...) so today was video games and movies (Returner and Matrix Reloaded) pasta for dinner which was super good we got this crazy tasty sauce with big chunks of tomatos in it *_* yay :D altho i think we used all the sauce up : / we'll have to find some more...unfortunately steve is sort of allergic to gluten so we'll see how miserable he is tomorrow...he has this thing about not really caring whether he's miserable or not cuz pasta and bread is apparently worth it but i dunno : /

anyhow i gotta blow my nose so i guess that's it for the moment >_<

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