Sunday, January 16, 2005

slow day

to sum it up...we played video games and had food lol tomorrow is london tho and there are sooooo many cool things to do that it will make up for all the closed things we have encountered thus far

plan for the rest of the evening includes push-ups and a bath...and possibly some *gasp* light studying...

or more correctly some flipping through of textbooks

or maybe i'll just read a chapter of my book

orrrrr whatever

never can tell o_O

the cool thing is that instead of music today i can listen to ep 3 of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy while i do the bath thing

the bath is nearly at it's end...that's a nice thought ^_^ *cheer*

annnnyhow not much to report...we went to the grocery store? was that exciting?

tomorrow is ALSO the day we call up the girl's school (i hope i get in)

la la la...

no news is good news? >_<

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