Wednesday, January 19, 2005

crubazuby day

so today was my last day in northampton. i got up at about 10:30 and watched City of God while i had breakfast (banana!!!!! RAR) lol yeah i ate all the rest of the bananas today. i'll have to get some when i get to paris cuz i'm a fiend now. anyhow so i watched the movie and obsessed about paperwork and wrote some essay and i dunno. i read today and organized my stuff. not much happened really. steve was at work again ne. lunch was a yummy chicken sandwich so that was cool...

then things got pretty crazy cuz steve got home and we had had this conversation about how he wanted to buy me a gameboy and i was like, "you don't have to do that" and he was telling me all about how inherited his penchant from spending money from his dad and stuff and i was like, "it's really ok" and he said he felt bad cuz he was going to have to drop me off six hours early for my flight and i told him i didn't really mind cuz airports are pretty cool places and i have cds and books to read and things to study and whatnot. i really thought i had him convinced but he still went out and bought me a gameboy. (thanks ^_^) so that was a surprise. i now have video games as well as cds and books and studying.

then we decided we were starving and so procured fish 'n chips which was super exciting and totally foiled the eating healthy plan. and he also had a box of tasty chocolate things. it was actually kinda like the choclate that xav bought for me a while back...same box...only instead of american candy it had english candy...way crazy

and so then i found out something interesting. i had always marveled at the really cute milky way bar wrappers they have...totally different from ours...and then i learned that milky ways aren't the same here...they are sorta like vanilla musketeers bars...which...yeah they're hella tasty. so then they do actually have milky ways but they're mars bars...which...don't we have mars bars in america? i dunno lol...

we played burnout3 and i died a lot >_<

then it was pretty much time for bed...which it still is LOL

cuz we have to be up uber early tomorrow morning :D

yeah...i'm gonna get about 5 hours of sleep if i start in like 10 minutes...which...probably won't happen XD LOL

i believe that is the news...there is probably something i forgot...OH YEAH the evil closed at 5:30 pm so i couldn't get ANYTHING i have like...A pair of underwear and a couple shirts left lol...thankfully pants are rewearable . hopefully i will be able to accomplish washing things on friday :D in paris :D yay! paris!

remarkably i did manage to pack up my carry-on nearly became an issue but i stuck my japanese and russian dictionaries in one of my checked bags for more space.

i learned how to say bow-tie in french today

un noeud papillon :D

(butterfly knot)

it only stuck because for some reason steve has one...but not to tie...just to like...have...and not tie...LOL

ah it's so crazy that i'm leaving

it's weird...i guess on some level i realize that this isn't how my life is...i don't actually live at steve's house and OH i know what else we did today

we had turkish delight...REAL turkish delight FROM TURKEY lol

it was a truly cultural experience...or something lol

and VERY tasty...and happy as well...

it made me think of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe...

(I seriously doubt that I would betray my SIBLINGS for the stuff...but it was good...)

so what was i saying? oh i was rambling...yeah i dunno...phase ii beginning soon...

sooner i go to bed the sooner i wake up ne?

(i can't wait to take a shower!!! :D)

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