Thursday, January 27, 2005

day from hell

sooooooo we were late to the test today but they didn't care

we left with like forty minutes but i guess it's just impossible to get anywhere ontime in paris

anyhow they didn't care so we took it and it went ok for me i guess

everyone says that...i wonder how we all did in reality

so then after that we went back to everyone's favorite corner bakery for lunch

they have the best sandwiches

sooooo yeah the australian open was on so chris watched that and i studied russian and some other people came over

blah blah then we left but got hella lost for like three hours

really lost

the kind of lost that can only happen in europe where there are sixteen roads at the intersection and you can't read the map because you've become stupid overnight

we were lost for actually three hours

so we missed our first two appts and were way late getting back to micefa where we luckily found housing anyhow

if anyone we blew off is reading this (which they aren't) i feel bad

so after that we dragged ourselves back to the hotel and we might go see emanuel and emily who oddly enough is going to be my new roommate

i hope we get a loft

and i hope we can find a way to move one of the beds downstairs

cuz it really doesn't make sense to have all that space does it and not use it?

it's too bad there's no couch

: /

emanuel and emily eat too late for us so we will just go hang out with them maybe

altho we had chinese food and it was good but i have this feeling that it will make me sick

i had to send it back to the microwave again

that will be the final straw because o i had been searching all day for this drink called Cacolac

it's kinda like chocolate milk but probably worse for you x_x

anyhow i finally found it at the grocery store and i had to buy eight cuz they didn't have singles but it wasn't fridgerated and i'll drink it eventually but then we got back and realized that they have real bottle tops and not twist-offs

how lame x_x

i kinda just want to go back to the hotel and chill out

tomorrow i have my oral interview (did i say that already?) and have to be at MICEFA at 9:15 -_-

i would rather be asleep the way things are going

then i guess i can move in

gotta collect the cash and move all my crud

i wonder how much i will really like this place

it's nice but it really is more like a dorm than a studio...i mean at least in east tower at home josh had his own room -_-

whatever i don't want to worry about it

i'm so sick of worrying about everything x_x

we will probably leave soon and call emanuel...

maybe i will tell him we will just stay here

and see them tomorrow since Emily and i will be living together as of then LOL

they eat so late

i really really don't like eating late

8:30 dinner is just ridiculous

how do you digest that if you want to get a good night's sleep?

i refuse lol

anyhow...yeah we'll do that and since we apparently can't have any cacolac i'll probably find something tasty at the bakery

you know

even tho we seem to get good deals on food we've been spending a ton

i want to go study and play video games

hopefully tomorrow will be better and we can have dinner at a compromisable time...maybe x_x

i like oranges

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found jubei chan vol 4. used for like $15.