Sunday, May 22, 2005

okashi na

so i think i've seen that adjective both ways but i'm not sure...okashi na okashii ne...



so yesterday i did go to the MCJP and finally got up the guts to go into the Audio-visual space which was such an incredibly good thing. I just never seen anyone go up there and it always seems so quiet that I don't want to disturb anything. I dunno. But I went up and it is soooo cool. They have like six tv stations so you can watch movies that they have. Even some anime (sadly french dubbed ;_; most of the movies are original language tho)

I saw Kikujiro which is so cool cuz it's the first movie that Peter Carey talks about in Wrong About Japan which I've read twice now lol. I would definitely recommend it. It's pretty cute, but sort of odd at times. It's about this boy's vacation. He lives with his g-ma and wants to go visit his mom so this tough guy wannabe neighbor of his is sent by his wife to accompany him. It starts out pretty bad. They end up at this bike track gamboling and the boy is constantly abused by everyone but then they meet some crazy characters and blah blah you know. It's really cool.

I'm thrilled tho! I can go almost everyday and watch a movie before reading. I finished Keigo in Modern Japan. Definitely recommended to all Japanese students. Patricia Wetzel!! Go find!!

EUROVISION was last night!! This rocked. I was at Emanuel and Emily's house (after waiting outside their door for a half hour and it turned out they WERE home but just asleep...WHATEVER) and we all ate fajitas and guac. Super tasty! Eurovision was great, but the French commentators were really annoying. They had to be talking at every possible second. I have no idea what they were saying tho cuz really I could barely hear the music. I thought it was going to be just the three of us but a bunch of people showed up and they were all loud and it was a party. x_x can't say i was thrilled about that but it was ok and i did get to see the show

Romania didn't win ;_; Greece did. I dunno why they won. I mean they weren't BAD but there were better things. I voted tho!! How cool! lol I sent in a text on Romania's behalf and I tried to get one through for Latvia too but they didn't receive it in time.

Now all I have to do is get through this week so I can hang with my dad this weekend. Should be easy tho now that I can go see movies at the MCJP. Plus swimming, plus class on Wed and Thurs. I'm going to go see a movie in the theater tomorrow afternoon after swimming I think. A Japanese

OH so the NĂ´ theater tickets are all sold out. They were probably gone before general reservation opened up. Kinda makes me think I have no shot of getting into the sake tasting... Either way tho this means that myl last time to see the big room is the percussion concert coming up. I'm going to miss the MCJP so much ;_;

For lunch club today we had a picnic! It was really tasty and at the park. There were cute little kids all over! One girl in particular ran around giving everyone kisses. That was funny XD

For the rest of the day I am probably just packing up my room. Not terribly exciting, but I have to move probably tonite. I hope it's tonite anyhow. It will be so great to have a window that closes!! I was FREEZING last night!!!

1 comment:

Xavier said...

aww...Latvia lost? they were my favorite :D. that was the one about the war, right? it was kinda cheesy, but they had nice voices and were kinda cute.