Friday, May 20, 2005


what the heck lol datif every time he sees me now he says my eyes are all puffy and asks if i was crying and he never runs into me when i WAS so i dunno. maybe the pool makes my eyes puffy.

soooo yesterday i went and read some more of that keigo book and it did get better :D one chapter about the history of standardization and one chapter about books and classes to help japanese people improve their usage...i guess that doesn't really SOUND super interesting but it was...

today i was going to go read but i didn't. i'm going over there tonite to see Grinder-man so one trip is enough. plus i'm kinda tired after swimming. it wasn't very cool at the pool today, too many people. you couldn't even really get a good stroke going and if you could only for a couple feet till you had to dodge more people. also my number one most avoidance wanted person showed up but luckily just as i was leaving. i didn't actually look at him because eye contact might have been fatal.

i ate lunch in the park! it was nice. there is a cute little park right by my house. i never actually went in before.

i guess i will be switching apts this weekend because emanuel is leaving on THURSDAY. ;_; he will be on an airplane and i will be in my film class. that's strange o_O

i figured out that june 16 is my last day. i have my film exam that day. i should talk to people about studying together. i hope the teachers go over what sorts of things will be on it. DUDE and i haven't heard anything about my independent study. it's getting a bit crunched on time...maybe i should ask her about it...again

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