Friday, May 13, 2005

yay for a happy day

i feel better today :D yesterday didn't go very well.

i DID go shopping but i didn't get anything cuz it all seemed overpriced. plus they didn't have the one thing i would've actually bought even if it was a bit expensive.

dinner was excessively rushed (i ate in the metro on the way to the lecture at the MCJP) but really good (cuz i got korokke bento which is like fried potato things and rice and bento type things...yummoo...i love that place...i saved some of the rice to go with my broccoli for lunch)

the lecture was pretty cool but i was really in a lousy mood so i didn't even really want to go. before they let us in i was watching on the satellite japanese tv this show where this little girl who looked sorta like xav's cousin was cooking with the help of some crazy fantasy creature and a very cheerful chef. they made potatoes and onions and beef with nutmeg and stuff. it actually looked pretty good. i can't tell if that was the end of the recipe or not...cuz they let us into the conference room before the segment was over. there were two ladies. one of them gave the talk and the other read the extracts. she was an actress i think so she read very dramatically.

i went to bed really early cuz i was soooo sleeeeeepy lol

today is much cooler. i made fruit salad in the morning à l'instar de brian only minus the honey. i will have to check if à l'instar de is the phrase i wanted to use. i think it is tho...anyhow the secret is to add some cereal like special k to it. makes it crunch!! yum! :D

then i FINALLY got my act together on the pool thing, which i am happy about! I went to Go Sport and bought a swimming cap (required) and goggles (because the swimming cap only cost half what i had expected it to). I was really scared to go. I dunno why I thought it would be so bad. It was actually really cool tho. The lockers are easy. You make up a code and close the door and then just use that code to open again. :D I was worried about that. They have really nice little changing rooms or at least nice in that they have doors lol and the showers are no big deal cuz it's just pool showers ne. I was worried about being a crummy swimmer but no one there really seemed like they were training for the olymics so it was cool. The one thing that is a bit alarming is that my swimming suit is a little looser in the water than one would have thought it would end up. I guess it's not so much alarming as annoying. Or maybe it is alarming. I can't tell how much you can see because i'm not the one coming down the other side of the lane lol. SO it goes. I did like three more laps than I thought I could/wanted to lol. My arms hurt! That rocks! XD This one guy was there and we were both catching our breath and he said in French, "what a stupid sport this is" lol XD i guess maybe his arms hurt too ;D

Well after this I am going to see if there are still spots left on the trip tomorrow. I will remember my camera this time! Promise!! :D If there aren't tho I get to go have free dinner! I guess that isn't really exciting as the gardens tho so i'm crossing my fingers there's room still.

Well I guess the only other news I have is that the colander I bought works and I can steam things! I was really excited about that :D

I'm still terrified about school but luckily i'm in a better general mood. If i'm not thinking about school i tend to be ne? so i say, "hmm maybe i can try to do 12 to 15 pages...that will be ok...probably" and then i go study japanese or something lol

ha ha haaaaaa

well i'm off

golden days for everybody!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great that you went swimming!! If your arms are already sore today..wait till tomorrow! >_< But, give them a little rest and go again! I used to swim in the morning before my classes at UWM. :)