Sunday, March 27, 2005

Getting a move on

Ah yes. This morning it is Easter and it is also the day Euro-folk lose their hour of spring sleep in favor of less darkness...or something like that. Yes I'm 8 hours ahead of Wisconsin until you crubazuberies spring forward next week.

Not like it matters.

Just an interesting thing.

This is really just a quick note because LUNCH CLUB is today and I have to do some dishes and accomplish some things before I leave!!! Like a shower!!! Anyhow I hope that Chris' directions are good enough cuz I cannot take going out and not being able to get into the place again!! (Like two weeks ago!!)

Time is FLYIN'

Speaking of which o wow I have some MICEFA paperwork to turn in...I had better get that done this week as well.

This week is THE week. The week I will either catch up or die!!!

Give me punctuality or give me death!

I'm already behind on my morning schedule!!! O WOE!

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