Monday, March 07, 2005


so gosh i wrote a really great blog entry this morning long and detailed, witty and enlightening, THRILLING and full of ADVENTURE

unfortunately the connection got messed up and it got completely erased...

so it goes...

that is all lost to eternity now

this past weekend was decent despite being sick...

saturday night i went out for dinner (far too late but it was ok cuz i stayed up till almost five am making anime posters) to an american restaurant with renée and chris. I REALLY wanted to get a bacon cheeseburger but for some reason whenever i go out for burgers at good restaurants i get sick and i wasn't feeling terribly adventurous so i had grilled tuna with pesto, spinach, and tomatos instead. Needless to say it ROXXORED XD and then we all got dessert and they have good banana cream pie...or rather, the first banana cream pie i've seen since i got here. It doesn't quite match Beans & Barley but it was pretty groovy.

Then sunday the same two cats came over and i made curry with the my stuff and some stuff renée brought. So that was the first meeting of the sunday lunch club...altho someday we're gonna have to make it a brunch club and go to some crazy restaurant for breakfast XD cuz i could just eat breakfast all day long...breakfast food really is the best o_o

uhm after that we went to the musée d'orsay where my nose ran i mean...we saw

i also picked up the map in three languages (bet you can guess which--because english is boring)

haha there were these girls dashing around the van gogh gallery. Speaking of which in france you say van GUG (with a "uh" and a "g") not GO--anyhow one of these girls stopped the other and said: reGARDE c'est VinCENT van GOGH (gug). C'est MOCHE!!
LOOK it's VINcent van GOGH (go). It's UGly!

I found that amusing...she may have said it cuz it was a weird portrait where he looked like a rainbow carpet or maybe like he was growing mold...i dunno...just cuz you wouldn't want to eat him doesn't mean it's ugly : /

lol (in french you say mdr = mort de rire which i guess i would translate non-literally as "death by laughter")

what else...oh Howl's Moving Castle was a pretty good book. Not like the movie at all o_o but really cool. If I get my act together I may send it home so other people can read it. I think Lindsey might like it o_o or Eva or somebody...

Xav, you should read it too. Have you seen the movie yet? I guess it probably isn't out there yet...or is it? Maybe it is...o_o

What I have discoverd upon further perusal of my assignment for my TD in DLM100FR (lit) is that the book report is actually a SIDENOTE to the much larger and looslier structured paper. Did I discuss this in here already? Maybe not o_o I have to read a book that won the Goncourt Prize and write about that but the REAL assignment is to write a big huge paper about the prize itself. intro + two pages of history + four more pages of whatever i feel is pertinent + conc. i dunno how i'm gonna manage that o_o

anyhow and then there is the other class which...i dunno...i don't really understand how or if they are connected...but i have to read Cousin Bette which i DID find the translation of today so huzzah...

wheee and it's russian tomorrow so i should go home, eat, and study

imagine my immense sorrow when i got to the MCJP today and found it closed cuz i didn't note the MONDAYNESS of it all

tomorrow i won't have time to go...

i really really like their library...

i also decided i have to finish the DR book. I kinda lost track of it over the past couple weeks but it seems to be much of the same...coup d'états every five minutes and lots of corrupt dictators printing money, devaluing the currency...*sigh sigh sigh* I'm in the 20th century now tho so that is cool.

so to backtrack a bit i said i found Cousin Bette in English...WHERE i found it tho is more fun than actually having found it so i should mention it: Shakespeare & Co. is a little tiny bookstore crammed to the brim with English lit and some poetry history science russian things german things spanish things. It was really cool. It was dangerous. I let myself have Heart of Darkness as a reward but wow I wanted to read just about everything they had. It's nice that there's an english bookstore around...but it's also hella tempting.

hum well i will go blow my nose and learn some verbs or something...

that should keep me busy o_o

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something closed on a Monday?? Well I've never heard of such a thing... ;p