Sunday, March 27, 2005

ugh i have too much work

I got a couple writing assignments done today...trying to get the measly crud out of the way first...but even those take time...

Too much time >_<

Lunch Club was fun. I was the only one who knew about the time change so I ended up getting Chris out of bed. Renée and her boyfriend missed his flight this morning o_o but luckily they figured out a way to get him where he was going. I guess it's a common problem. The airport people probably say the day before, "yeah tomorrow is gonna bite cuz the time changes tonite and we're gonna have to deal with all the dopes who forget...*sigh*" this must just be part of the job stress related to airline work. Of course the only reason I knew about it was cuz Steve told me lol

Anyhow for lunch we had pasta with this yummy sauce with mushrooms and salmon in it. I even at the mushrooms.

Amy brought some hardcore desert. Chocolate pastry with marshmallow stuff and also a cream puff sort of pastry only shaped like a duck or something. Hmm...they were tasty. We all got to split them up and try both. Except Chris doesn't like chocolate so he had a duck.


You know I miss my trumpet...and my sax to but really my trumpet. I should pick it back up again when I go home.

This afternoon I borrowed Datif's broom and swept my floor. It was disgusting lol. These rooms really collect dust.

Tomorrow I will have to get more work done. Lunch was pleasant today but it lasted far too long. I didn't get home until quarter after 5 or something.

So this case of the brain damaged woman being starved to death in the news all over is somewhat distressing. I did notice that some people from UWM were commenting on it though, that is interesting. But no, I mean if what they are going to do is let kill her why does it have to be in such a horrible way, esp when no one can seem to agree on weather starving to death is an ok way to go or whether she feels things or not. I guess it's that no national euthanasia policy thing...but it's really alarming nonetheless. I mean it seems to me that if the end result is death, the quickest and most painless route should be taken. Issues like this are very interesting to debate but it would better if there weren't real-world applications for some of them because no one will ever agree and sometimes even individuals aren't sure themselves.

One thing I am excited about doing when I get home is reading. I also think that translations are nice...even tho if you can read in the original it's better.

I also think...

that this is gonna be another one of those long evil weeks.

But hopefully I will not be depressed this time.


Anonymous said...

Mom wants to know if the crazies in Europe have peeps, because she's got this huge thing with peeps now, its all she's been talking about...she's enthralled in peeps...peeps..f-ing bloody peeps...I'll bet if you DO have peeps they have little bunny mustaches.... I amore le'peeps...
I am so cool!...

Anonymous said...


yea that whole peep thing that eric wrote was MY idea cuz we got peeps in our easter baskets and i was thinking..hey..wonder if em got some in france...

mom really is obsessed tho. she said she would have sent u some but she figured they would be stale and i sat there thinking to myself *aren't peeps always stale* mmm stale but good.

how are things in france? hope all is well. tomorrow is my bday. the big 1 6 so u better call damnit. nah jk u probably too busy eating plain yogurt. ^_~

<3 ya sis and i miss uuuu

Au revoir!

Emily said...

Hmmm I haven't seen peeps. Not that I've been looking...maybe I should cuz those are tasty o_o lol Is there Kinderbueno in the states? It's not easter candy...just a regular candy bar with hazelnut. ALL the chocolate here has hazelnut lol, like Nutella. OK not all of it...but LOTS of it. They'z obsessed.

I will call if my phone card has time...also I haven't bought your present's still at the store............

Oh and Eric, in the subway it's so funny people draw mustaches on the ads. They draw crap ALL over the ads cuz some people think there are too many cuz there are huge posters everywhere. Some of them are really cool tho like the GAP one I talked about and right now there is an absolutely adorable one with this little boy and girl and a kitten advertising some clothes... I kinda wish I would've been taking pics of ads. There was one that was like a mobile suit gundam lol.


i should try to remember to bring candy back...too bad i couldn't take PASTRY (yum!!)

Xavier said...

I hate peeps. But apparently if you throw em in the microwave, they get really big and poofy and if you take like 30 of them you get this big poofy blob of marshmellow which is really fun to play and make statues out of or something.

You confused me with the daylight savings time bit. Because I was like. OMG it's daylight savings time??? How come I wasn't late for any of my classes. Why does my watch say the right time? i was so confused. But I guess we don't get it until April 3rd. So yeah... :-P