Tuesday, March 22, 2005

got my soul education (dammit!!)

as for the pocketful of rainbows, i think it's in my other pants...

errrrm so the weekend was a bit dismal...

and i think i have officially had my mid-college crisis

I'm not a Russian major anymore...

Ever since I got here all I'm doing is destroying my identity, growing my hair, changing majors, WHAT'S NEXT???

So I'm applying to the university of Rochester which is TOO expensive but they have Japanese and they are nice and waive the app fee if you fill out the forms online.

I decided to drop my Russian classes instead of the History of Paris because I think I have a better chance of passing History of Paris...

Everyone wants PAPERS tho.

The only constant thing has been this lousy mood and my terror in the face of my lit class. I don't know enough about France, French, or LIT for that matter, to be taking this class.

What really makes me mad is that if I would've had this miserable revelation BEFORE coming here then I could've picked a friendlier school and had way better classes and a much more organized life. As it stands I have a measly 12 credits and six of them I am on my way to failing. At least six...

I don't know.

Anyhow so I'm not going to Russia. I should start a tab for all the mistakes I make instead of paying for them upfront...

Like I said tho I will probably be transferring.

If I could find a school in NYC that would be better. I could keep some of my MICEFA friends better that way.

Or maybe I should go to California. In fact I should look in California.

That is a good idea...

1 comment:

Xavier said...

Oh, That's new. What's your new major? I miss you Emily, and I can't wait till you come home. And you do have to, because you have to see your family eventually. :P Your semester is halfway over, just like mine. Did it go by quick? If I didn't tell you I might go to Madison for Japanese, but I'm not sure. It's all very difficult to determine at the moment hehe. Oh well, seeya later!