Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Tomorrow, my freedom!

Well not really, but momentarily...I will hang with Greg AND will NOT think about homework. XD

I think I need to get my lit teacher to understand that I will need some extra time...that I will have to make my own schedule based on the FINAL due date and not freak out over every other mid project deadline. My own special foreign student topic, my own special foreign student schedule. I think that sounds fair...

I need to e-mail him.


Aside from that I am near the end of the novel. Which is good because my OTHER class requires that I have an outline for a paper making some point about the title character. I am no good at this. That alone will require a heroic effort.

The only problem with extending the dates on the first mentioned paper is that for that SAME class we have another huge thing due next week having to do with dictionaries and encyclopedias and in general just a whole lot MORE research that may or may not be the end of me. This is something that you just don't DO at any school I've ever been to so I am completely unprepared...

Next week though, will be the continuation of my new and improved (time-wise) schedule. The only thing I don't like about it is the way one feeeels as tho one is descending into the pit of hellllll as the week goes onnnnn. Monday and Tuesday are soooo easy with only one hour of class just taking notes...never anything to prepare (at least i don't THINK we're supposed to be preparing anything...). Wednesday is mostly boring with two hours of history and not much to far as I understand it there is just one paper to be handed in in increments throughout the semester and then once as a completed "dossier" at the end. Tomorrow is lit and cinema WHICH i have to decipher some things for still...and make up some movies i missed...alth i know there are other people who have also missed them so that should be a breeze...but then FRIDAY are BOTH of the SCARY classes for a full FOUR HOURS of TERROR x_x *cry*

The cool thing is that my app for the university of Rochester is almost complete and there is no rush as they accept them until June. That is nice...


I'm very tempted to go study Japanese at the MCJP as I haven't been there in a while...but I think my time would be more productively spent by... ...studying Japanese at the MCJP hahaHA isn't THAT the KILLER? no but really i should do my French homework because French, it's a good thing to have around. (I miss linguistics...check out that displacement!!!)

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