Wednesday, June 15, 2005


yeah i borrowed a sweater with a kitty on it

today i woke up at 8 and had a nice happy bowl of banana creme pie cereal (I believe I've elaborated on that wonderful recipe already...)

then i went to renée's house and we sorta went over our notes for the exam tomorrow.

after that i went to the pooool and got hungry.

emily and i had lunch again at the crous and then we went to a japanese grocery store. she didn't have time to come with to the MCJP tho cuz she had papers to write.

i went tho! i watched another takeshi kitano movie, about a deaf-mute sounds sort of deranged doesn't it? it was good tho heh

they had transformed the lobby into an arcade@_@ they had like four or five machines of that donkey kong drumming game. i didn't play tho.

laaa laaa

things are ok i suppose

morale is medium nostalgic and it's also raining so that doesn't really help.

but i think today is going well. emily walsh is hardcore. i'm really glad i met her. we're gonna try to get together while i'm in nyc. she said we should go to china town :D it bites that she is leaving on tuesday! we've been hanging out a LOT and soon i will be back to the lonely! x_x nah i should survive.


i'm hungry!


1 comment:

Xavier said...

I remember when you were dying. When you were so miserable, because you didn't feel like going or I don't remember why you were so miserable. It didn't make sense to me, because you were going to England and Paris, and if I were you I would have been extatic. but all the last days before you left, you felt like you were dying. But I thought you were happy to get back. Happy to see me, and happy to have fun adventures and something. :D

Well, hope you feel better.

Best of luck,