Sunday, June 05, 2005

A Sunday Worth Fast-Forwarding Through

I got up and made a Japanese omlette. You weren't supposed to fold it, but I did cuz I couldn't get the top to cook. Once you make the top the middle, it cooks. That sounds like it should maybe be profound wisdom or something, but I can't think of any application or really...any sense that it could possibly make.

The facebook continues to work wonders. People find me and I find people. Where is Matthias tho? I pine for the day he finds me. I bet he doesn't know how to spell my last name. Have I already elaborated on this before?

Let's see...

Yesterday I spent too much money. I got the CD of Stomu Yamash'ta which is REALLY: Tsutomu Yamashita. I wonder of the logic behind the romanization his name.

So I commented on my last entry about this but there is a big concert today that I don't realy want to go to. Everyone is going's's part of the olympic promotion I think...2012 go paris. 2012 is a hot number...

I'd kinda like to go see Star Wars finally instead. I feel like if I go to the concert I will catch a cold or something. It's gloomy out.

I read for three and a half hours this morning. Finished White Teeth and read the part of The Know-It-All that I read in the train in England. Steve sent it to me along with the new Athlete CD and stuff. Oh and the Caesars. I'm addicted as hell. So I read a lot...

Then I decided to "do something." I went to the pool and there was a weird guy there so I didn't get to stay very long. He wanted to swim with me and then took it upon himself to catch up when I started without him. I don't really understand this...swimming is clearly one person. Not two. So I was swimming not really paying too much attn to where I was going because he was RIGHT there and I was keeping my eye on him to make sure he wasn't being stupid and then he suddenly grabbed me and I think he was trying to pull me out of the way of the lady who I swam into but all I could think of was that he wouldn't let go of my arm. So basically there was a big collision and I was mad. So I tread my three minutes of water explaining in fractured French that if my boat sank I would be able to survive and left even tho he said I should wait.

Anyhow it makes me mad cuz I only did about half what I usually do cuz I didn't want him following me around the whole time and talking to me when I wanted to be swimming.

I had a peanut butter sandwich in the park.

Now I'm at Emily's thankfully not spending money on the internet.

That's nice.

But it's not like I got any I think I will just try not to think about it.

I wish I could try not to think about whether I will attend the concert tonite, but it's sort of required that I make a decision at some point. Maybe I will go but go by myself. That might be better. I will show up for a bit and check out "the scene" rather than being in the mob. That sounds better. I would rather be the tv camera man in the helicopter than one of the ants down there moshing.


Or I could just read :D and eat pasta :D and ice cream :D

OH MAN I bought peaches the other day from the amazing fresh produce place near the MCJP and I was so busy running around that the one i didn't eat got nasty in my bag CRY


i have to be more careful with delicate fruits

i dunno man. probably i will get so annoyed with having to decide that i will just give up and go see Star Wars. i hope i will not regret whatever i do. i just feel like i SHOULD go to the concert and i SHOULD go see the mob on the champs-elysees (forgive the accent) and maybe even join it because hey who doesn't want the olympics to be in paris in 2012?

i don't get why it matters where the olympics are.

they should have them in someone's backyard.

that would be cool.

1 comment:

Xavier said...

that's so cool that you went swimming. I wish I could do that, but I would drown...