Wednesday, June 01, 2005

holy lack of internet, batman


so here i am once more. that took long enough. i've seen some movies, eaten some french food, and some peanut butter too thanks to my chèr papa.

i'm writing today from a little basement under a panini and sandwich and crêpe place. it's fairly cheap or at least as cheap as it goes.


dad and i had tons of fun. i showed him places i usually go and we checked out Buttes-Chaumont which is fake...did i spell it right? it's a pretty nice park even if it is fake.

god the screen keeps jumping.

maybe i DON'T like it here. i dunno. it's cheaper to get a card somewhere than to just go in for an hour when you need it.

i may see greg again sometime soon. if we get our act together. that has the potential for fun.

so what movies....i saw tokyo eyes and perfect blue (finally!!!) and then...i can't remember. it was about a couple of guys who work at this gay bar and one of them has a crush on the other one blah blah. the dvd SUCKED tho and the sound quit going with the image about halfway through.


oh i saw the hiroshige stamp exhibit with dad when he was here. that was pretty sweet.

this friday is the percussion concert.


i dunno

i'm stressed out and sick of thinking about school and independent study and the reality of me probably not transfering or majoring in japanese or anything.

but's lunchtime (an illusion yes but an illusion i will hold fast to today because what else is there at the moment besides my little white ticket from cyber sandwichs...(sic))

well i may or may not get a card here.

i just lent a girl a pen...


what else to say? i dunno! i had my history exam today. four questions. i hope i did well.

probably it was ok. and my paper should be decent enough.

that class is over. even if i do remember the address of the place we are supposed to go for the optional class meet next week and even if i could find it i may not feel like going. i dunno what we are doing.


oh i finished that japanese novel. it was good but unfortunately i was really bored with it cuz i knew the end from the movie. it was slightly different the VERY end. i think the book was actually MORE depressing than the movie if that is possible.

my dad brought me The Quick and the Dead, White Teeth, and Life of Pi (which i will read again if i get that far which i may). I finished The Quick and the Dead. It was reallllly strange but very good. Depressing tho...White Teeth is good so far. also sort of depressing. the short stories i read at the MCJP are for the most part depressing as well. i hope haruki murakami's newer book (which i will have to pick up at the fnac, it's on sale!!) is not so depressing as everything else. dad also picked up a book about japanese for me but unfortunately it is one that i have already. i felt bad x_x but what can you do?

it was nice having someone around. :D we cooked too and that was super. i was really stressed out the whole time tho.

i'm always stressed out.

i stillll haven't seen star wars.

soon enough tho. soon soon soon.

maybe i will go with greg if we get our acts together


i just e-mailed him

i think my act is set

lunch is still in order

i should go do that...

i bought my last metro ticket today. the very last. it will be the one in my pocket all the way to newark on the airplane. did i spell that wrong? is there an h in that?

dad took a lot of my stuff home but i imagine i will stil have to send a box.

man i'm feeling lazy today. good thing i went swimming yestedray. it was so nice because there were barely any people. the problem is that i can't go tomorrow so we'll have to hold off till friday. i will make myself go on sunday i think.

altho i was going to rent a bike at the park. well that is fine.

same difference.




ok that is all

signing off to bound up these stairs and into the paris sun cuz it's june first

the last parisien month

do you spell that with an a in english?

maybe i will grab a sandwich and go read in the park before going to the MCJP.

then again maybe not; i really am lazy. i don't want to do anything today. i think i sat in bed for like 15 minutes just because i had extra time before i needed to be in the shower. i just sat there and stared at the wall and didn't feel like moving or doing the dishes from last night. apparently tho the chicken was cooked enough which is good because i was worried about it. i don't really trust my cooking usually. oh wait it was turkey. that's right because the chicken was looking a trifle nasty that day.

probably i'm just stressed out and that's why i don't want to move.

easier to sit in one place and not do anything.

if i get myself over to the MCJP tho, i can see a movie and probably the sound will go with the picture this time...


Xavier said...

june is the last month? i thought you come back like july 10th...

when do you finish school?

Emily said...

school is i think three weeks. i only have one class left tho. not counting my stupid endlessly complicated independent study. grr grr grr i hate school! lol it will be over soon tho. then i will just frolic in the parisien sunlight.