Saturday, June 04, 2005

death march to an empty inbox

i was supposed to find a net cafe near where i actually was as opposed to back home. oh well.

i'm not really in the mood to write.

last night i was in such a good mood i couldn't sleep at all but today just sorta bites. what is the point of being happy and motivated when all your friends are asleep and you should be too and you don't have a phone card or anything to do.

i saw the percussion concert it was really cool. yesterday i would've written a lot about it but today i don't really feel like it.

this afternoon pissed me off.

big long walk for nothing.

and i ate the peach i was supposed to have with my dinner.

i want to go back down to the MCJP tonite to buy a cd but it seems like a lot...i will try to get someone to go with me

i'm mad. and i've been spending too much money. on food basically...cuz unless i plan way ahead i never have anything when i am hungry.

i had a salad today but it wasn't very good...

and then i had a dessert at the place i should've had lunch...they had good-looking quiches...

that was a whole other death march of it's own

stupid wandering around

i guess it's just boring by yourself and frusterating when you look for a net cafe and find ONE during the whole hour or whatever you are roaming and then finally give up and go home because the one you found was THREE euros an hour (which at that point you might as well shoot yourself but i have seen much worse...) where you find three within the first five minutes because you live...where you live

of course it lags

and they only have MSN messenger which means i can't talk to anyone

and as the title indicates i got a grand total of zero e-mails

except one that is depressing

and i don't want to go home and have noodles and pesto!!!
something in here smells really ridiculously good

and i want some

of that

falafel maybe it must be i dunno


not like i don't have the money to go out...but i already went out today

oh i bought a ticket for le tartuffe (molière) i think xav might appreciate that...or maybe i am not remembering correctly. i dunno. it's a classic. i got a ten euro ticket for the 12 of june.

i went to the pizza place by the mcjp and had lasagna. it was uber good.

i shouldn't have written notes last night about what i wanted to say about the concert cuz now it just seems tedious and boring to write about it again...i will write about it later or something

why was i so happy last night at freaking two in the morning by myself? what is the point of that? i type too fast for the stupid computer...gosh that is annoying but not really...use up all the happy when there is no one around?

today i solidified my belief that my throat is a hypochondriac. amy is sick and i can't put up with that and apparently neither can my throat because for like ten minutes after i finally decided to leave i was coughing

dude so that salad i had today. it had that one veggie that i will NEVER like in it. i dunno. just something about the whole thing wasn't what i wanted. it had salmon tho. i'm kinda sick of finding the same food everywhere. maybe i SHOULD go get some falafel. that you can find all over too tho. still it does sound good. maybe i will do that. i'm frustrated so maybe i deserve to not have to cook.

man i need a phone card...and some credit for my cell phone.

*complain complain*

yeah it's boring today


Xavier said...

Hey, Emily. *hugs* I'm sorry that you're sad. Cheer up! It'll be okay.

Only one more month; I'm so excited. :) That's so cool that you saw a play. It was all in French I imagine. It's just so crazy that a guy can write something all in rhyming couplets. That's crazy. I doubt today's society would make a movie that all rhymed. Unless it was a rap movie or something...

So yeah, I hope you feel better. I'm having really fun at Sendik's. You should get a job there. We would be cashier buddies. :) That would be fun :P. I can wait until after UWM. I want to go to Madison, and go language crazy. That would be my dream :P. Russian, Japanese, French, Vietnamese, Sign Language, the list goes on...

Emily said...

hey xaberdee. that would be cool. i applied once at sendik's but it didn't work out for some reason.

the play is on the 12th i only bought the ticket. i'll tell you more about it later.


today there is a free concert with among others maroon five and de palmas. everyone is going. i dunno if i really want to. i'm not relishing the idea of camping under a cloudy sky for three hours before the thing even starts...and the crowd and the whatnot...

oh i should just blog instead of comment...