Monday, February 07, 2005


That is the name of my cell phone ring. I miss my old one, but it's nice to have a phone number again. Now I can text people to meet up and stuff. I probably should've gotten a better phone, but oh well.

This is going to be short and not that interesting.

Saturday night was the wine tasting which was not at all what I miscomprehended it to be. I showered and tried to look halfway decent and ate dinner in the subway while trying not to be late and rushed around getting lost etc for five minutes of trying three kinds of wine with a nice lady who I had never met before. It was in a store and I was the only one there. I dunno. It was ok I guess. I liked the dry one best. I don't even know what the means. x_x

Then since it was free and I had been planning to spend five euros on it cuz that's what they told us it cost, I went to this ice cream café and spent too much on a scoop of ridiculously good bananacaramelcookie ice cream.

Then I went home and went to bed cuz I was in a crummy mood about everything.

Sunday was mostly uneventful. I saw Dan and Chris and then Sergey came over in the evening and we did our study + chinese deal.

I've also been reading some more, but nothing I like as much as The Palace Thief or Hemingway.

I dunno if I discussed on here yet or not but the way to register for classes is to go to them and the only way to know which ones to go to is to find the magic wall where they are all supposedly posted. It seems easy enough but it is not. I have this feeling there is not one wall, but many. I also have this feeling that I do not know where to find any of them. I should go look tho.

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