Friday, February 18, 2005

i miss japanese

I'm depressed today so I went shopping at FNAC. They have books and music and video games and everything there. I found a book in English (because I wanted something to just read for fun) by Peter Carey about him and his son in Japan. It's really good so far. I also found a Japanese culture center in Paris that is showing anime movies almost every night so I'm going to go. Maybe I can meet someone who knows of a club I can go to...

I also returned library books, went to MICEFA (I'm taking lit/cinema and paris I'm ALMOST running at fulltime now. Need one or two more classes...) and had lunch. Tonite Emanuel, Emily, and I are cooking curry. They are going to the Louvre but I'm going to see an anime about something that is ghostly and floating...i dunno that word...i should look it up lol Watching anime with French subtitles is a good vocab source if you take notes XD

I'm not really in the mood to study. I've been kinda slacking cuz I'm in such a lousy mood. Yesterday I finally went and saw Kié La Petite's an anime from the 80s, very nostalgic. Quite a crazy movie as well. It's about a little girl who has a dad who gambles all the time and is a tough guy who beats up yakuza lol and her mom left but they end up back together. Anyhow the girl is pretty tough too and works at a bar and she's really little and hits boys who tease her with planks of wood lol. The really strange part though is this subplot about these cats. She has a cat and one of the yakuza guys has a cat. They are both very buff and they end up fighting and it's a big contest but the little girl's cat wins. The weird part is how big a part of the plot the cat's testicles are o_o (or that they are even there at all) because see...the tough cat Antonio looses one in this fight and then he gets killed by a dog later and aiie it's just bizarre and too complicated to explain because the son of Antonio (Antonio Jr) shows up and wants to fight the little girl's cat and they exhume the severed testicle (which has been dipped in gold or something and buried in a box in the cemetary o_o) to witness his revenge. It's really strange. It probably sounds more strange if you haven't seen the movie lol. Anyhow it was really cute and silly. It's especially cool because it's so oldschool. The music, the animation...*cry* I'm really excited to go see more tonite, especially since it's so much cheaper!!

Anyhow after the move I went home and ate with Dan and then we went out for ice cream (FINALLY) I had pistachio, macadamia nut crunch, and that crazy banana flavor, a scoop of each. Then I went home and listened to The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy for an hour, got insanely tired while playing Fire Emblem, and went to bed.

Hopefully next week will go better, altho I think this net café will be closed. Maybe that's ok because I spend too much time (read: money) here anyhow.

The other thing that is cool about that Peter Carey book is that it's like a travelogue too so maybe it will give me ideas of things to talk about in here. I should try to make it more exciting.


Xavier said...

You're right. I wonder what they think about when they smile like that too. You know, it's funny. I never really think about stuff like that. Sometimes I'm too busy worrying if I'm the only real person in the world, (LOL) that I don't wonder what goes on in other people's heads.

Anyway, I miss you too. I wish you came back, but I guess you really can't. Eh, I just wish you happiness and to do whatever you feel is best. So yeah, LOL I was watching Cowboy Bebop with dillon, and I say to him, "I wish Emily was here." And he says something like, 'yeah I do too, but I'm not still caught up in all that'. Don't quote me on that, my memory is acting foggy. Dillon is kind of hard to understand sometimes. But I shouldn't speak because I say really random things all the time.

:D You should watch the last 6 episodes of Gravitation. There's a guy named Ryuichi, and he's soooo crazy!. LMAO and one day I decided to act like him, and acting all crazy, and running around people in circles, and saying my crazy xavanese. so yeah...that was fun. you should watch em, Ryuichi is my new role model. :) tehe!

Emily said...

"dylan" not "dillon"

you're right tho

also foggy memory is the foundation of...uhm...i dunno...i don't having anything profound to say about that i guess...


where'd you get cowboy bebop?? we should've been more hardcore at our marathon because i miss that show lol i have five soundtrack cds with me tho HAHA


this conversation would be better continued in e-mail rather than in footnotes to an exceedingly public blog :D (Hi Grandma!) lol

in conclusion...

i'm glad you comment on my blog :D it enriches the experience. my mom likes it too XD more people should comment if it's something suitable for public consumption :D

Xavier said...

yayness...public consumption.
