Thursday, February 03, 2005

the smile which radiates

haha the plastic peeled off the burner with only the slightest difficulty (i win)

and thus this morning my breakfast was prepared all at the same time instead of eggs and then milk for the crazy Benco hot-chocolate...if you eat your croissant while you cook the eggs you save time :D

i read hemingway on the métro

in fact i believe that book is beginning to impede my studies LOL i always want to be reading instead of doing homework...

last night was quite exciting. i finished my worksheets and then went out to the café where i sat timidly for probably ten minutes until the arrival of a japanese girl prompted the two initial club members to turn around and then we all got on fine. i was the first american they've ever had. this is definitely going to be a habit...maybe not the mussels...i think mussels..."moules"...tho they were tasty...and really if you split a bowl it's not so expensive at have to crack the shells and then spoon the little...thing...out lol it's actually quite messy but they give you little hand towels. so so so tho we spoke a LOT of French and also some japanese. i think next time we will do more japanese. it's nice because either way i am learning XD we talked about lit and movies and music and all sorts of i was invited to a wine tasting on saturday which should be super cool. white wine from all different parts of france. apparently the guy putting it on really knows his stuff and so will educate us all (or at least me)

hmmm class today was ok...we discussed various grammar points...and some street know this class is very much like the class i just took...and it's silly because i really won't be able to keep going once actual classes start anyhow...maybe i should just quit...i could get more done with-out it i think

you know i kinda wish i had a big thick english dictionary in addition to my bilingual french one...

oh but class...yes it was long...she kept us twenty minutes over...she may have been a bit late in starting but i don't think it's fair to keep us after even if she WAS 20 whole minutes late which she wasn't

then i had lunch at the crous student restaurant for cheap cheap and was thoroughly disappointed to find NOT the promised mexican food but only what was there the other day and some pork or something...i's exciting enough to be full for less than three euros i guess haha

this afternoon instead of doing my district project i will take advantage of the time given and do nothing except maybe read some hemingway, study some russian and japanese, go to my academic interview, and meet up with sergey (which i hope will be fun and educational for the both of us)

technically i think i could go out salsa dancing tonite but i feel like i should study...

i might see the library too altho i think will save it for tomorrow when i do the rest of the district stuff

district is a nice word...i think i even like it better than the french "arrondissement"

gosh i should the time i get home i'm going to have to leave again...but then i guess that means more time in the métro with my book so it's not so bad XD

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