Friday, February 25, 2005


Apparently I have off of school next week. :D

Altho I have to spend probably just about every waking second of it reading Balzac because that is what I missed those first two weeks. Supposedly it is a long book...*cry* I also have some library worksheets to do and luckily the library will stay open during vacation.

Yeah I didn't get my passport thing done because I forgot to set my alarm x_x a sad thing, that, but what am i gonna do about it once it's i had lunch and went to class where i learned all the previous information from a very nice and helpful TA with cool hair.

Mmmm then I went to the MCJP to see a loose adaption of Treasure Island with talking animals!!! (I sense a theme...) also many songs (theme) and I also realized I can read the kanji for TOEI animation :D It's the same as the TOU from TOUKYOU (Tokyo) and then the EI from EIGA (movie). So it's like...Eastern movies...or something lol. It's cool. You know it's them cuz there are waves crashing on rocks and then their kanji comes up in a triangle.

After that I came here. I will find that book tonite and then probably go home and not read it in favor of The Da Vinci Code which I flatly refuse to bring on the subway. I think that is the new way to recognize tourists LOL I decided to read it because I haven't got any fiction to read at the moment. Well...that isn't in French anyhow. I just realized tho today that I'm reading something like...well counting the one I have to start, five books. That is rerooster!!!

Speaking of "reroosterulous"...I have mandated a spelling change to ease pronunciation. You can drop the first u and just say "reroosterlous" Sadly I can't remember the linguistics term for this phenomenon...*failure* Anyhow that is the newest word from me, so anyone who wants to be cool and use my slang should do so. When I get back to MKE I want to hear everyone saying it!! lol No one will even remember it's questionable origins!

I need to go home and eat chicken...and buy stuff to clean my horribly messy house with.

Oh yes. Other news is I am finally going to get a haircut!! I don't know what kind yet because it is Greg who will do it, and from his English vocab he chose "annihilate" to express the activity; so, I'm a bit scared. hehehe *victory* no sweat XD

*scratches back of head*

I think that's's going to be weird to be on vacation. I'll have to think of something fun to do while I'm not reading...


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