Saturday, February 05, 2005

loud french boys (a very happy entry)

they are always here playing bloody shooting games and swearing...they're pretty young too o_o

i only called the entry " loud french boys" for's not really about them


sooooooo after i left here yesterday i proceeded to the micefa but on the way i stopped at the library and got a card. luckily the librarian guy was super nice and smiley and understood what i meant when i spoke french even if i didn't know how to finish my sentence :D he'd just throw in the future or conditional or whatever tense/mood for me lol then i took out the only hemingway they had which was "The Old Man and the Sea" which i read all the way through last night. :D Yeah I got five books out and am partway through the third. 350+ pages in the 24 hours. I am a banshee!!!! XD I should really study something tho instead of reading all the time. What else did I read tho? "The Palace Thief" was realllllly good. A collection of four shortish stories. The second was my favorite I think but they were all good. loo loo So yeah I guess everyone knows what I did till 1:30 in the morning LOL

I'm used to getting up at 7:30 that it felt weird to stay in bed past 9 but I did anyways and had a happy dream too. My plan for the day was to go to Chinatown and then come here and then go grocery/flea market shopping and THEN go shower and get read to go taste wine.

I dunno what to wear to that. I was thinking about dressing up but my sweater is very creased and will probably not look good. Maybe I should try to do some laundry cuz then I could wear flares lol

Oh oh oh but in Chinatown it was very cool. I went out to this restaurant which turned out to be a very good if totally random pick. I had Pho which is Vietnamese soup annnnd it was great. Xav told me about it and I have always wanted to have some. Hahaha so I did and yay yay yay. I should make Chinatown a habit because for such a tasty and filling meal out it was not very expensive at all. I also picked up some things at a grocery store. I should learn how to cook real Asian food so when I go shopping I can buy more than just intant noodles and rice and dried fruit. haha. I did get koala cookies too hehehe. In France they have something like Pocky called Mikado. I should try some to see how much like Pocky it really is. Anyhow after lunch I walked for a ways and found a bakery where I had a bun with red bean paste and egg yolk which is such a great thing to have. :D Everybody should have one :D

Wellll I should get going probably because there are always more things to do. XD

I dunno if I forgot something. Maybe I did but I can't think of it now...

Oh you know grocery stores here are very tight and small. I dunno if it's like that in all big cities but here the aisles are tiny and twisty and everything is squished together heh.

Everything in Paris is tiny tho. Except maybe the Louvre. I haven't been yet this time around. I think it's free tomorrow cuz it's the first sunday of the month. Maybe I will go then. It depends.


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