Friday, April 01, 2005


well ok i read the date's due the fifth of may lol

i still have a lot to do tho but now i'm motivated

i like having nice teacher because then not only do you want to do well for yourself and your grade, but also for your teacher who is so cool and smart and expounding every week for all of your young benefits lol i dunno...maybe the rest of the class doesn't feel that

but i do :D

so today in a flurry of word-processing which i will hopefully never have to equal again...i completed everything that was really supposed to be done today. quality may have suffered a bit, which is something i regret to my very core, so i really am going to work harder. also my french is abominable sometimes lol.

i need one of those japanese classroom signs, only it has to say

Let's spell correctly and use the right prepositions when we do our French homework!!! ^_^

please let me not fail!!!


plans for the weekend include a MUCH anticipated return to the MCJP and maybe a trip to a place or two from the Japanese culture article i read the other maybe the manga cafe or something...

maybe i will see a movie...but i will DEFINITELY go find the book to read for my report and start it and

DEFINITELY start doing my homwork for next's nice tho...i cuz i have no pressing homework for my other fact for my film class i have nothing except a couple make-up movies next week so is cool. i COULD theoretically work on my paper for my history class but it is certainly not due in any way lol and even if it were it would just be the second part not a big deal...

this lit class is first year but it is technical and challenging as heck and really in depth...i'm just totally not used to's really interesting tho when i can follow what's going on...most of the time i have at least a vague idea but today i was a little beyond vague... >_< lol

ching! i think hopefully tonite emanuel and i and maybe dan or someone i dunno will rent a french movie and chill altho not till later...i wonder if i will even be awake lol

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