Saturday, April 23, 2005


So the first cool news is that I have an interview for a babysitting job in about an hour. The problem though, is that she was supposed to e-mail me the address and hasn't yet. That may be due to the fact that she called me while I was sandwiched in the metro with about a hundred other people and may not have heard my e-mail address correctly. I detest giving important information like that out over the phone in ANY case, even moreso when it's noisy as all get out...

The other news is that I did indeed find a swimming suit. The first two-piece in my memory so that is's adidas and sort of a cheerful red, navy, sky blue thing. Unfortunately now that I have a suit I don't have a pool. It is around somewhere but not where I thought it was and I dunno where else to I'll have to ask Datif.

Maybe I should call that lady and see...perhaps she misheard me and hasn't actually got my e-mail...

Hum. Anyhow the job is to watch a four year old boy three hours most days a week which sounds nice :D


Well let's see last night I got home and had dinner with Dann which was good. He put about fifteen different spices in some scrambled eggs and I brought salad and hummus. Tonite I have been invited to see Garden State as a sort of good-bye for vacation to Emily and Tara who I haven't seen in eons anyhow...

OH something that made me really irate yesterday was that I travelled all the way out to this library in the middle of a grand nowhere...which I's Paris so I'm sure that's not really true but still...AND they were CLOSED for like three days for some reason. All I wanted to do was return the books I had borrowed and they DIDN'T HAVE A BOOKDROP apparently we really ARE ten years ahead of France in the states as Datif has suggested to me, but really I think bookdrops have been around much longer than that...

I also hate my hair LOL When it dries inside without the breeze it gets really it dries in one set wave. Grr my hair is so lame.

Tiz on things later if they even occur...

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