Wednesday, April 13, 2005

un oiseau dans la bibliothEque

yes there is supposed to be an accent there but we'll work with what we have for the moment...

so there WAS a bird in the library today, hopping down one of the lit aisles...very odd...

but cute

and so i made some more new friends last night...

how do you spell Macklin? Maclin? Maklen?

he was cool and they wrote an interesting homework assignment

we ate some tasty food and had some wine and chilled

was very nice...

saw some bollywood clips lol

very cool indeed.

i need to talk to anny about the trip cuz i think i will go

which reminds me that i will just get no sleep tonite because i have to go get my passport tomorrow finally AND uhm...crud what was the other thing...

oh! i have to go to MICEFA to sign up to go to the Loire Vally on's only thirty five euros...

and i should take advantage...


my poor budget needs to be redone...

i think i spend too much on groceries...i have to learn what are the good things to eat...

or something...

i dunno

i feel like everyone i know is cooler than me...and better at living in paris...

news of the day is

my classes are driving me insane

and are hard

AND are giving me a break at the end of NEXT WEEK


WHO has not even STARTED that stupid evil paper yet? oh yes that would be me...i tried...these books are just too hard to find...tomorrow afternoon tho i will just live at the freaking library and take notes and read

that is the problem right there....they aren't books you can look at part of...they are normal books with chapters so i have no idea what is important and it's not like i have time (nor would i ever have time) to read the whole thing(s)


not knowing what's important tho

that is a theme because i feel like that in all my classes


my whole three classes

this semester is so horribly messed up

i'm just glad that europe is so great and the people are cool and the food is ridiculous

i ate ethiopian today...did i spell that right? it's so sad....

but no the food! it was very intersting...sort of...different little piles of mush that you scoop with what seemed to me like a sour-dough tortilla...spongy...and kinda sour tasting...maybe that was just part of it i dunno...but it wasn't like regular bread...but there were split peas and chicken and hard boiled eggs and then other mushy things like other kinds of meat or something...and some salad....very interesting food

jenny is addicted...

oh oh oh

that is why today was expensive...cuz of ethiopian AND the fact that we went out for bento for lunch...we FOUND the place!!! and had bento...and it was DELICIOUS and i didn't explore the grocery store yet because i decided to leave with my friends and also because i cannot go buying things until i eat up all the food that has been sent to me....that is the rule...i am only allowed to buy perishable items which is soon to be a shame because i will run out of cereal...also i already broke the rule by buying rice cake things...but those are like really cool and remind me of being little

jenny has one of those uber awesome comforters that is super puffy

i like those...

her bed is nice

her APT is nice

and macklin (?) has an even BETTER apt...tiny has two floors really interesting and in a cute neighborhood

the best thing about meeting new people is finding new places and eating new food

annnnnnnd free couscous or mussels....

depends on what night you go i guess but there is some cafe that gives you free food if you buy beer which seems rather backwards to me but fine...i think i would make someone else drink my beer tho cuz i really don't like beer....

that's the problem with going out have to get something because you can't just loiter but if you buy juice or soda for like five euros you feel really really gipped and with good reason lol but cocktails are expensive and beer is gross and drinking is overrated so i dunno i'm gonna have to come up with a strategy lol cuz i don't mind GOING out but i don't really like spending money on things that i don't really want lol even if it's only juice or something...they should sell candy bars in bars or something...haha candy...bars...ha...but they should...then i could just go to a bar for dessert...even if they overcharged you and made you pay like three euros it would still be better than five euro juice...

we saw some very expensive designer stores today in our history class...

supposedly there WILL be a test at the end contrary to what i have previously been told by other people

this is unfortunate because it's REALLY impossible to tell what is important...

i hope there isn't a test for my lit class because that would be even more impossible...probably most impossible...he just goes on and on i dunno what they could even ask us...i would have trouble writing questions for a test like that because none of it really seems very all...


kind of like allll my classes right now

tomorrow is film...i will pack a sandwich...because after class and everything i MUST MUST MUST (!!!) return to that infernal library where you can't check anything out and SIT THERE and RESEARCH until i fall over

which is basically what happened today i was REALLY tired...

which bites cuz technically i got enough sleep

oh and i get to talk to datif tomorrow about the OTHER paper that is actually due on FRIDAY and which i will cry about but not until six thirty at night so i will have to do it all after that...which is awful...and i will cry

cuz i want to see if he knows what the assignment is that i apparently didn't do well enough last time...

well this has gotten exceedingly long...i don't think i left anything thrilling out tho so that's it...


Xavier said...

That would really make me mad to spend $5 on juice. I barely like spending $2 on juice...haha

That's what I like about Milwaukee, I can go to the Grind, Rochambo, and the 8th Note, study, write poetry, etc. And not have to buy a damn thing. I especially love listening to open mics for free too. I hate how some readings you have to pay to go to. Or you have to be 21. I think that's lame especially if you're not gonna drink anyway...I guess adults just want to feel more adult

Check out my new blog Emily. It's at

Xavier said...

I'm sorry Emily that link is wrong. No www part. I hope that's the right code. My html is getting foggy.