Tuesday, April 19, 2005

la grève

well lots of my friends don't have classes because their school is closed. I guess the anthropology dept was closed and all the anthropology majors have been making a bit too big of a fuss so they shut down the whole school. kinda nice i guess but also a pain o_o

so dann made quesadillas and they were indeed great...we are DEFINITELY going to do that again sometime. i bought pears yesterday and they taste like candy :D we had those too and some leftover salad...

i read a couple more chapters of Acts of Reading today at the MCJP...that was all i could get myself to accomplish unfortunately...the happy kind of evaporated overnight i guess...i still have time to study tonite tho. right now i'm at datif's. it's cool cuz he is in a good mood :D

is it really legal to hunt stray cats in wisconsin now? everyone i talk to keeps relating this news to me because i am one of maybe two people from wisconsin they know and they need to find out if i know anyone who would actually go shoot a cat...

brett says if it were dogs no one would've said yes so she's mad about it

the coolest thing is that i used up ALL my red change today to buy a baguette for 70 cents :D no more puny little 2s and 1s!!! yes!!! i have a couple fives but those you can use in the vending machines downstairs so i save them up. AND to top it off the lady wasn't even mad at me for unloading my change! she was just like, "that's seventy?" and i was like, "yeah" and then she didn't even count it :D how nice!



I'll miss it when I get back.

You know I read a really good quote today...must've been in that book...but I can't remember it. Oh it was something about how people are taught to read in certain ways and if you aren't taught to see certain things you just won't see them. Maybe that is my trouble with literature.

Today I was toying with the idea of doubling in English, because to be a good translator or interpreter you have to have a handle on BOTH cultures. Wow tho reading this book is really making it seem virtually impossible. I barely feel literate in English when I started reading about what it actually takes. I should pay more attn. Altho i did hear the church bells ring at like 12 after six. i guess that must've been the new pope? cuz i did just notice that...

hmm i am not one of those bloggers talented enough to give you news commentary lol

wow datif made me some really tasty tea...

loo loo well i guess that's all...still haven't heard from cali or my advisor...RUBBISH lol

1 comment:

Xavier said...

Your english is bad? Mine is even worse. I filled out a job application, and I was trying to spell community, and I couldn't figure out if it had 1 m or 2 m's. I ended up putting comunity, and I'm sure that's good enough reason not to hire me. Damn me and my terrible spelling!!!