Sunday, April 03, 2005

the return of lunch club

today was at amy's house and she made chicken and couscous and vegies and it was SUPAH good

i was a dork and forgot the milk to make crepes with so we're putting them off for the second week in a row x_x

there was also this AWESOME cheese and bread and strawberries


we went for a walk and blah blah

oh but last night i went out even tho i didn't really want to

we had some sushi and then went to this karaoke bar which was kinda boring but ok

there were some people with really good voices

and then there were some people who didn't know what they were doing :D

i didn't sing so i can't really talk hehehe

i should actually go out for yakitori and sushi sometime...I only had a snack last night but it made me want more Japanese food...when i get back to the states I'm going on a hardcore Izumi's run LOL

wheee i need to do laundry so bad but i'm out of soap i just realized so i will have to put it off till tomorrow

aiiie!!! lol


Xavier said...

you should have sang a song, emily. you're always singing to your cd's. or singing on the bus. or walking down the sidewalk.

Xavier said...

haha, i commented on rodney's website. here's what i wrote.

"Bonsoir. Je suis fatigue. Je besoin faire mon homework toujours.. Je suis parler francais en ton weblog. yippee! *sarcastic glee* Desole pour mon mal Francais... Je n'ai pas le etudie depuis ta classe. LOL!!! I try so hard, and yet I struggle so much."

So is that semi-correct. Or am I just a reject college student?

Emily said...

Bonsoir. Je suis fatigué. J'ai besoin toujours de faire mes devoirs. Je parle français dans ton weblog. yippee! *sarcastic glee* Désolé pour mon mauvais français... Je ne l'ai pas étudié depuis votre cours.

There is the correction as far as I can take it. So yes it was semi-correct and you are not a reject college student! :D